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Would you scam quit for a large sum of $$$$?


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No i love being a part of the community + why make a quick buck when long term you can make more. Scam quitting shows peoples immaturity in my opinion.



For somebody like me, who has been a mass gold farmer for over 5 years, I have seen everything and done almost everything. As @Maldesto past, mind is kind of similar but different. I started as a mass gold farmer, then made some successful companies, and thought the rules no longer applied to me. I got into issues with addictions, and I scammed a few users (this happened many years ago and I paid them back once I wasn't going through withdrawal) to keep gambling, as I became a gambling addict.  At that point I had sold hundreds of billions of gold (before EOC), and I did not scam the users for much money as I was desperate (and pathetic) because I had maxed out my spending limits for that day ($20,000 CAD) and Idk from one of the users the largest amount scammed was probably like $50... IDK what I was thinking that $50 would make me the $20,000 I just lost lmao, but an addict doesn't always do rational things. To me, it was never how much I took, as it was a very small amount consider how much I was trusted with (done countless of trades worth thousands of dollars)... But, it was me betraying the trust of these users (less than 5 users), I broke my own moral code which I lived by and it ate me up on the inside. I felt disgusted with myself of what I did in a moment of weakness, betrayed everything I worked so hard to prove.  Well, as I stated above I thought the rules didn't apply to me, and I found out the hard way they did. Years have past, and I don't remember the time(s) when I sold thousands of dollars worth of gold, the most vivid memories I have are the few shameful moments of where I scammed those users, out of all the thousands of good memories.  I have not scammed since then, and years have gone by... From just scamming these few users for a total of under $200 during a very small time period of my 5 years of business, cost me countless of tens of thousands of dollars, but more importantly I have guilt, and no matter how much money you make... That does not make up for that.  Most people are no longer around during when this happened, but even if the community (others) have forgiven me, it is still in the back of my mind eating at me, and I have to live with that. So, you could offering me a hundred thousand USD, and I would not scam quit, because a) I do not need the money and more importantly cool.png I could not live with myself knowing what I know what I did.


Side Note: My message above may of been about my thoughts on scam quitting, but my feelings of guilt and disgust are also towards other mistakes just not scamming in my past. I do apology for the people that I have offended/hurt within this community.




im a son of GOD! i do NOT sin! smile.png)



Well this explains why you are so hardcore. And while you were wrong, maybe you shouldn't feel so badly about yourself. You were probably trying to get rich to satisfy some feeling of insignificance, using money to fill that void. If that is true that's really sad and I understand, but at least you were one of the few who has the self consciousness to change and become a better person, so feel proud of yourself for that, rather than bad about your actions, because IMO you have indirectly compensated your victims with administrating the forums in such an efficient manner.



its better in the long run



Not worth. 




I have been on the scamming boat and let me tell you, there is nothing but sinking as the outcome. Most horrible decision of my life and not only did I regret it on the internet, it affected me horribly in real life too. I was stressed all the time thinking how I should deal with this situation and did not know how to handle it. It took me a month to refund the guy I scammed and to this day, I do not know why I would scam, it was not planned but just happened. Worst path to take, especially as I am a community-oriented guy.



I can't use much more, so no.


Bank pic: http://gyazo.com/723d8b52d288d14484569943a1e5b7c4



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