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Noob needs some help


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I'm stille getting used to the API, so it's kinda hard to find ...

Also, you gold me the coin id, bit how could I find such things myself?


I would use Names instead of ID's if you can, will stop the script breaking if they change the ID's in a Runescape update.. happy.png


Keep exploring the API. happy.png



Edited by Precise
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I'm stille getting used to the API, so it's kinda hard to find ...

Also, you gold me the coin id, bit how could I find such things myself?


the client debugger interface :)

Found under the settings icon at the client.


Then enable inventory debug or anything else that you want to see/debug



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completeDialogue(java.lang.String... options)
Completes the current dialogue using the specified options when available.

How exactly should I use this so he picks the first option?




This is the code I currently have, Eclispe is giving an error at each line starting with "Dialogues.", what's the proble there and how can I solve it? DO you guys have any other suggestions on things I could improve?

import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.Dialogues;

import java.awt.*;
@ScriptManifest(author = "Me", info = "Buys Woad leaves from Wyson the gardener in Falador Park", name = "Woad Leaf Buyer", version = 0.1, logo = "")
public class main extends Script {
    public void onStart() {
        log("Woad Leaf Buyer has started.");
    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    	if(!(inventory.getAmount(995) < 20)) {
		NPC gardener = npcs.closest("Wyson the gardener");
		if (gardener != null) {
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			Dialogues.selectOption(2, 1);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			Dialogues.selectOption(4, 4);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
        return random(200, 300);
    public void onExit() {
        log("Thanks for running my first script");
    public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
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Now it tells me "org.osbot.rs07.api.Dialogues is never used" on line 4 and on line 26: "dialogues.clickContinue(); is unreachable code".

import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script;
import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest;
import org.osbot.rs07.api.Dialogues;

import java.awt.*;
@ScriptManifest(author = "Me", info = "Buys Woad leaves from Wyson the gardener in Falador Park", name = "Woad Leaf Buyer", version = 0.1, logo = "")
public class main extends Script {
    public void onStart() {
        log("Woad Leaf Buyer has started.");
    public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException {
    	if(!(inventory.getAmount(995) < 20)) {
		NPC gardener = npcs.closest("Wyson the gardener");
		if (gardener != null) {
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			dialogues.selectOption(2, 1);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			dialogues.selectOption(4, 4);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
			return random(200, 300);
        return random(200, 300);
    public void onExit() {
        log("Thanks for running Woad Leaf Buyer");
    public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) {
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Yeah, any code after a return is not executed, therefore unreachable in your code. Replace return random(200, 300) with sleep(200, 300) or better yet conditional sleeps (look at API).


It's giving me another error, when I change "return random" with "sleep", Eclipse tells me: "Tha method sleep(long) in the type MethodProvider is not applicable for the arguments (int, int). So I suppose it's not possible to sleep a random amount of time?


And it still gives me the unreacable error on the first "dialogues.clickContinue();".

Edited by Scorncial
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