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interaction with object using position


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for example,

there are multiple objects with the same id in a certain location. But I only want to interact with the object that has a specific position x,y,z. What code could i use for this?


Because it will automatically interact with all he objects... something i dont want sad.png




getObjects().closest(new Filter<RS2Object>() {
	public boolean match(RS2Object o) {
	      if(o != null && o.getName().equals("NAME HERE") && o.getPosition().equals(new Position(X,Y,Z)))
	            return true;
	      return false;
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This <3


getObjects().closest(new Filter<RS2Object>() {
	public boolean match(RS2Object o) {
	      if(o != null && o.getName().equals("NAME HERE") && o.getPosition().equals(new Position(X,Y,Z)))
	            return true;
	      return false;
Why don't you just use the position filter that is now in the api?
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Why don't you just use the position filter that is now in the api?


Since Osbot api breaks every time now and then, I prefer you to use custom make mehods ;)

and there are way too many option too choose from in the API xD


They should delete atleast 50% and fix the rest what is left.


Thats why 



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Since Osbot api breaks every time now and then, I prefer you to use custom make mehods wink.png

and there are way too many option too choose from in the API xD


They should delete atleast 50% and fix the rest what is left.


Thats why 




its a simple interface. Interfaces dont break. What break more are like methods.

Yes way to many option but its better then before with have almost no option.

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its a simple interface. Interfaces dont break. What break more are like methods.

Yes way to many option but its better then before with have almost no option.


Basic options + Fitler would be more then enough.

Instead they gave the scripters 50 options -_-


i've a lot breaking and failing -_-

rather make all myself <3

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getObjects().closest(new PositionFilter<RS2Object>(new Position(0,0,0)));


could u guys pls give an example on how to use the PositionFilter?

 if not use this one same shit 





getObjects().closest(new Filter<RS2Object>() {
	public boolean match(RS2Object o) {
	      if(o != null && o.getName().equals("NAME HERE") && o.getPosition().equals(new Position(X,Y,Z)))
	            return true;
	      return false;


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