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Khal Tutorial Island


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Could I get a trial of this please?


thanks for the trial, I found a bug as well, when it was in the quest points house it tried to walk to ge instead of climbing down into the cave. Once I manually climbed down the cave and restarted the script it's working again tho! In osbot log it was "webwalking event no route found" destinations = x=3165 y= 3485 z=0. I found out it tries to walk to the ge a lot in the "status message" but it continues doing tutorial island except at the quest points house it got stuck.

Edited by Gilles123
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Could I get a trial of this please?


thanks for the trial, I found a bug as well, when it was in the quest points house it tried to walk to ge instead of climbing down into the cave. Once I manually climbed down the cave and restarted the script it's working again tho! In osbot log it was "webwalking event no route found" destinations = x=3165 y= 3485 z=0. I found out it tries to walk to the ge a lot in the "status message" but it continues doing tutorial island except at the quest points house it got stuck.

That's very weird ... I'll def check this out!

Did this happen once or multiple times?


Could i have a trial please?


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That's very weird ... I'll def check this out!

Did this happen once or multiple times?




I only did 1 account with the trial you had given me so I guess only once, but what I did notice though, is: it kept flashing "walking to ge" in status message and then continuing the tutorial. So what I'm guessing is that it wanted to go to the ge the whole time, then realizes it can't and continues the tutorial and maybe in the quest points house it accidentally got a true to walk to ge and that's why it got stuck?

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I only did 1 account with the trial you had given me so I guess only once, but what I did notice though, is: it kept flashing "walking to ge" in status message and then continuing the tutorial. So what I'm guessing is that it wanted to go to the ge the whole time, then realizes it can't and continues the tutorial and maybe in the quest points house it accidentally got a true to walk to ge and that's why it got stuck?


Strange, never heard this before and 1000+ accs being made every day ^^

I'll take a look and see if I can find this issue! Thx for the report

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ohh, ya that's the client interaction, I don't know why it does that :/


Hi, I bought your scripts a while back when i started botting and then I quit for ages. Just got back today, renewed my VIP but when I tried starting your bot it simply doesn't do anything!


Theres no gui, no evidence of it starting, as if I need to set up something more with my account that I have forgotten since last time I botted


There is an uncaught expression, should I copy the bot log here? 

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