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Khal Pest Control


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hey this script never attacks spinners. any way I could get a refund i bought it a couple days ago and am not satisfied at all. I've run it for 4 hours & got 10 points. And the posts above about the ban rate are concerning. Even if I could just get a different script of yours instead I'd really appreciate it because this would take months to get void. I realize I should've requested a trial but I put faith in your reputation.

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Can you think of adding like a spinner priority it looks kinda obvious when my bot is sitting there attacking a portal with 3 spinners healing it and also I don't know if its possible but pest control portholes and brawlers can't be moved through anyway to code to go around them?

Really good script btw sorry if that came off blunt


It should prioritize spinners, but if brawlers are nearby the script will ignore them.

This bcs the spinners are under brawlers a lot of the time and gets the player stuck trying to kill them.


I'll take a look at it and see if I can improve it.

I haven't found a proper way yet to walk around them since they don't show in the collision data :/

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