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Not different from other clients.

However I doubt you can make it to 99 to be honest.

Ban rates are high and woodcutting is for sure the highest.


But with f2p who cares if you get banned? 

Just make a new one and bot it up.


For your main I suggest you to bot skills you can't profit from like wc/fishing etc.

Go with combat (It is in my opinion the safest skill)

Edit: Keep in mind that you can ALWAYS get banned.

        If you can't stand a ban on your main, don't bot!

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Always babysit. Back before EoC I botted 99 fishing and hunter before finally being banned, I started getting careless and was botting over night which is a huge no no.

Just bot smart, baby sit, take breaks, switch it up. Maybe do quests from time to time and have player to player interaction.

But as always with any bit client there is no way to be 100% safe. You always run the risk of a ban.

Best of luck on your endeavors!

Edited by Wooza
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