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Quitting Smoking


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It's been exactly a week since I last had a cigarette and I am pretty proud of myself considering I have gone from a solid 15-20 cigarettes a day over the past 4 years to fully quitting. I vaped for the first couple of days but then thought if i'm going to replace one addiction with another what is the point so I stopped using that also. The first 3 days were awful I was getting pretty bad headaches from nicotine deprivation and I wasn't much fun to be around but now I feel better for it already! Hoping I will carry on with this as I've recently started playing football again and that was the wake up call I needed really. I was the most unfit I have ever been and coughing my lungs up after 5 mins of running around.


Anyways just thought I would share this with any of you who may give a shit biggrin.png


Currently at: 1 month without a cigarette!

Edited by Varc
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I'm proud of you, and I hope you can find weight to those words. Breaking an addiction such as smoking to me is an honorable thing, because you're not only helping yourself but you're also benefiting the people around you by making better decisions as far as your health is concerned. There are people within my family that have been smoking for years and have had multiple heart attacks/lung cancer, and seeing them still light up despite everything is truly hard to watch. I respect you for trying to quit, and I am glad you're becoming more and more active just remember that in order to fill that void you must replace it with something else and I think football was a great choice! I'll be praying that you can continue down the road of quitting, and if anything just know you have some random guy on OSBot cheering you on :D.

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Thanks guys hopefully i'll live a lil bit longer now tongue.png

I'm proud of you, and I hope you can find weight to those words. Breaking an addiction such as smoking to me is an honorable thing, because you're not only helping yourself but you're also benefiting the people around you by making better decisions as far as your healtharrow-10x10.png is concerned. There are people within my family that have been smoking for years and have had multiple heart attacks/lung cancer, and seeing them still light up despite everything is truly hard to watch. I respect you for trying to quit, and I am glad you're becoming more and more active just remember that in order to fill that void you must replace it with something else and I think football was a great choice! I'll be praying that you can continue down the road of quitting, and if anything just know you have some random guy on OSBot cheering you on biggrin.png.


This brought a tear to the eyes brother! Yeah I've realised that there is much more to it than just causing harm to myself. It will also cause pain to my kids in the future and surely they may then follow in my footsteps and I wouldn't want that at all. Even after a couple of days I could smell the smoke on people and I was just thinking to myself "wow I must of smelt like that at one point" it really did open my eyes. I feel a hell of a lot better for it and I appreciate the support man biggrin.png

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Welcome to the club man!! I quit last year in march, and honestly; I don't even remember why I started smoking in the first place. Quit cold Turkey, went from a pack a day to nothing. Was rough the first week and the months after due to asshole friends who have to offer a smoke everrrrryyytime we went out. lol


Congrats though! Welcome to a healthier lifestyle and enjoy not smoking your pocket away. ;)

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I'm proud of you man, I despise smoking. My parents smoked in the car with me and in the house with me and I couldn't breathe. I have a very strong passion to try to get people to quit smoking. Contact me at 1 month without a cigarette, I'd like to talk to you about it. I've been trying to get my parents to quit for over 10 years now.

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I'm proud of you man, I despise smoking. My parents smoked in the car with me and in the house with me and I couldn't breathe. I have a very strong passion to try to get people to quit smoking. Contact me at 1 month without a cigarette, I'd like to talk to you about it. I've been trying to get my parents to quit for over 10 years now.


Thanks a lot man! Appreciate all of the support. Something just clicked for me and I hope the same happens for your parents because it is a horrible habit and does nothing but harm you and worse, others around you. I shall be getting in touch in a few more weeks smile.png

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