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Perfect Fisher AIO


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Why is the dropping for powerfishing incredibly slow? This script becomes overall very very slow overtime, in just minutes...

Note: I am using mirror client.

Edit: Hmm this seems to happen if I run 2 bots :s

Are you using the special driopping? I noticed that was really slow for me too. I turned it off and it works fine with the normal OSBot dropping.

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Why does the script point the camera view upwards. It's a very weird camera position. This is one of the reason why players get banned - the weird and unneeded camera, mouse movements/positions... It is always at the same position, that's not legit looking. See image for reference:


Edited by Zebrafon
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The camera is in a position where a normal player would be able to fish. There is no evidence whatsoever that Jagex use the camera angle to detect bots. They detect it in patterns of activity if anything, thus far more than camera position/movement would be taken into account. If anything, the camera movement may momentarily delay an already imminent ban. Besides, you are using the mirror client, so don't worry too much, unless you start botting 20+ hours/day and feeding jagex camera pattern data.

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