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Perfect Experiments


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Hey your script has worked great so far it's got me from 75-79 str atm. But I thought i'd test it walking from varrock to test it and it was almost flawless but it got stuck at the trap door going down to canifis next to the monastery, and also when exiting the underground pass next to the monk it will just stand there. just thought i'd throw that in there so you can maybe check it out! Thanks again Czar!


ah, it was never designed to walk from Varrock, but I guess I can fix that for my future scripts (and this one), thanks for pointing it out biggrin.png

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Version 2.4


- Fixed bones 2 peaches

- Fixed ranging

- Added dynamic signature support


update should be live within a few hours

Not wanna let you down, but it's still on v.295. Either Osbot is awfully slow or you're update didn't go trough.


edit: v2.3 now

don't know if you fixed this in 2.4 but in 2.3 the picking up bones is extremely buggy. it got like 3 major problems.

problem 1 : it kills an experiment, goes to attack another one then stops after hitting the experiment to go loot the bones from the previous kill.

problem 2 : It trys to loot other peoples bones but somehow keeps misclicking. running over like headless chicken.

problem 3 : It loots bones all over the spot even if its to far ''to just loot bones''


1: Can you make it that the bot wait like few mili seconds to loot the bones after the kill.

2: if you could check whats happening with the misclicking on the bones

3:  Can you make it that it only loots bones if they are 2 tiles away max or something


edit : New problem it doesn't eat peaches now :s


Edited by bimbo
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don't worry, the latest version fixed all of those, it will;


- only loot bones READILY available in your screen (near you, which you don't have to move the camera or anything)

- eats peaches

- delay to ground item interaction, to avoid 100 clicks


in other news...


- players with 40+ defence won't need to keep food in their inventory anymore

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does it work with mirror mode, also could i get a trial please? smile.png


Does work with mirror mode :)


Been running it 52-77 str mirror only and still going :D


On another note Czar can we get a option to spec or not (preferably default to spec on)? Spec with items like abbysal whip and d scimmy are sort of bot like if you ask me. Thanks for the awesome script :)

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can you add optional spec? the script goes crazy when its switching tabs to spec, very bot like plus its for a d scimmy spec... not worth it... please do this like many others have requested?


Will add this right now, update coming soon




Added, update will be live within a few hours.

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Will add this right now, update coming soon




Added, update will be live within a few hours.


First off: I am enjoying the script very muchz, thanks alot Czar!

But the Spec doesn't seems to be working for me, how does it work? 




Also, adding a Kharyll teleport in stead of going to varrock would be lovely! 

Edited by notarusher
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