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Hey man it would be pretty sick if you added a feature where it would allow you to hop worlds if a person shows up or something. That way it could hop you into a world where the range guild is empty. Thus, keeping you more safe because no one would be able to report you. All you got to do is bot smart along with that. Thanks man.

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I want this so bad my question is can I donate rsgp or no?

You can buy Vouchers for RSGP and then use those to buy the script. Basically same thing as donating.

I have some problems with the bot atm, it doesnt fire at target, anything I should do or is it a bug?


Can you check logs and either post screenshot or copy/paste what they say? In client they are top right 2nd box from the back. Next to mouse picture where you can turn on and off for user input.


edit: The bot is working fine for me right now so it is probably an issue on your part. Make sure you are in Fixed mode in runescape settings, and if you are just post logs.

Edited by Definite
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