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is OSBot changing in nature?


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give me your thoughts i think it's an interesting subject.


i personally think we are becoming more of a community/service/rs account site. 


my reasoning for this is i'm seeing more and more service/gp/account trades than botting activities.


whereas other bot clients have threads of people comparing their gold/bot farms, bot talk here seems isolated to scripting alone and i doubt if anyone really goldfarms anymore on this client which is sad to say because the obvious reason is that the devs are watching their business crumble.




edit; up until like a week ago i've tried my best to goldfarm using OSBot but it's almost impossible and i've raised the reasons why in many topics which have been taken lightly.

Edited by Realist
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Market was big, and also the client. A lot of users ditched the client, and transitioned into the market, but not as substantially as you think. Honestly with a dying client, its going to lead to a reduction of the market. 


> Unstable Client 


> Reduction of Gold farming, not as many vouchers being sold for scripts


> Less GP Fluctuation 


Also, while the client was big, and it was offline, there would be 60-80 people in chat asking what's up. That was a perfect opportunity to grab customers. 


Market is dying as I noticed, not too bad though 


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