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Upcoming Updates to OSBot!


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Hello community,


lately you may have experienced an error blocking you from the server because it thinks you are already logged in! Because of this we will begin working full-time on patching the backend OSBot server so that this no longer happens! My deepest apologizes for not realizing how big the issue had become. It is a must that we improve our backend to ensure the quality of our software.


Now regarding to OSBot 2: 


We will be releasing OSBot 2.1.18 later tonight or tomorrow morning and it will feature the following changes:

  • Brand new equipment API system for grabbing full equipment information without opening the actual game tab. This will hopefully fix a serious bottleneck in the development of better scripts.
  • Additionally the script & random executors have received several patches which fixes an issue with scripts crashing due to certain exceptions. 
  • Many API additions have been added by our API developer team. Some of these additions include:
    • A new AreaFilter for filtering enties based on Areas. 
    • In addition certain methods will be added to the EntityAPI which lets you filter certain Entitiy's based on their area and name/id.
    • Some new banking methods will be added to facilitate with banking for novice script writers.
  • Furthermore we are working on more updates for the future including:
    • Web walking
    • A built-in Trading API to facilitate with the development of scripts which require a simple implementation of the in-game trading system.
    • More API additions being added by our API team.
    • Further optimizations with GPU usage of the bot.
    • Further stability & security improvements.





Laz and the OSBot Team.

Whoever wrote the area filter, y u no do it sooner???

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