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The Great Transition Forward - OSBot 2


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This is absolute bullshit. I have to pay for Vip/proxies/memberships/scripts/maintenance for all accounts/VPSES all monthly. Now don't get me wrong, this is an great investment if OSBOT2 works completely fine and ACTUALLY reduces ban rates significantly. if not, then it's not worth over the switch and you will loose your user base to other competitors. Furthermore, I'd like to suggest that you get rid of VIP if your going to introduce all scripts to be paid monthly. This will increase your conversion rates with new users and make you and script developers more money overall. The only reason for this is because not everyone is a gold farmer and  only bots on runescape for personal wealth. If I was an average person, who is not a gold farmer, and I seen a bot that cost $9 to use and an average of $5-6 per script, I would just instantly click away and look for another bot.


Welcome to a introduction to business 101 baby, Hope I taught someone something you can apply logic to. My VIP runs out tomorrow so I probably won't renew it until I see if the development staff successfully utilizes the integration of osbot 2.


I sincerely hope you make smart decisions, as this community is awesome and I would hate to see it perish.



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This is absolute bullshit. I have to pay for Vip/proxies/memberships/scripts/maintenance for all accounts/VPSES all monthly. Now don't get me wrong, this is an great investment if OSBOT2 works completely fine and ACTUALLY reduces ban rates significantly. if not, then it's not worth over the switch and you will loose your user base to other competitors. Furthermore, I'd like to suggest that you get rid of VIP if your going to introduce all scripts to be paid monthly. This will increase your conversion rates with new users and make you and script developers more money overall. The only reason for this is because not everyone is a gold farmer and  only bots on runescape for personal wealth. If I was an average person, who is not a gold farmer, and I seen a bot that cost $9 to use and an average of $5-6 per script, I would just instantly click away and look for another bot.


Welcome to a introduction to business 101 baby, Hope I taught someone something you can apply logic to. My VIP runs out tomorrow so I probably won't renew it until I see if the development staff successfully utilizes the integration of osbot 2.


I sincerely hope you make smart decisions, as this community is awesome and I would hate to see it perish.

You obviously have minimal knowledge of the source in which OSBot derives revenue. Sponor/VIP sales accounts for a huge portion of the sites income. Keep in mind OSBot only gets 30% - fees of each script sale.


As of right now, it does not seem monthly rates will be mandatory, though this is subject to change.

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I'm actually very much in favor of monthly fees.


If you purchase a "lifetime" script, and the scripter decides to leave in 3 weeks, what are you going to do? You have no protection against that. You could ask for a refund, but you'll probably not be eligible anymore. In addition, you can't expect a "lifetime" script to be for your lifetime, because... well, the scripter could get sick, he could get run over by a car, he could have irl issues, and end up being unable to update his script.


On the contrary, with a monthly script system, the scripter needs to keep his script updated to get paid. No updates, people don't renew, no income. Therefore, monthly payments are an incentive for scripters. In addition, scripters have to keep their script updated, fix things when Jagex breaks their script, and they should get compensation for that work. And please don't pull the poor kid argument... If they have enough money to be spending 8 bucks a month for a video game, they have enough money to spend 5 bucks a month to pay the scripter for his/her script...

Don't see how scripters don't have an incentive from lifetime payments. People will be posting on your thread if the script stops working. New users will read those posts and will not buy the script if it doesn't work. The incentive of keeping the script working is to attract new customers. The lifetime I am expecting is at least 6 months +, I get this from the store since they offer 6 month sponsor, and lifetime sponsor. I think 6 months is a reasonable definition for "lifetime" in this case.

Edited by Runescape99
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For customers:

If a script is deemed equivalent to your OSBot 1 script and added onto the OSBot 2 SDN, you will be granted access to the OSBot 2 version as well! If you paid for a script that does not renew ever (aka a lifetime script) and an OSBot 2 equivalent script is available, you will only have a free-trial of 30 days for the OSBot 2 version! You may decide freely whether to keep using OSBot 1 scripts for botting or the OSBot 2 equivalents.


So this means all osbot 1 lifetime scripts will be transfered into osbot 2 script when the script writer converts it?

Edited by Mojito
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I'm actually very much in favor of monthly fees.

 If they have enough money to be spending 8 bucks a month for a video game, they have enough money to spend 5 bucks a month to pay the scripter for his/her script...

I think you're missing the point here. Nobody is complaining about the monthly fee from your point of view, but they are complaining from my point of view.


The simple fact is, why should we have to re-purchase something that we already had and was already working?


It's not like we're allowed the choice between osb 2 or osb1, we are basically being forced to incur additional costs, costs that we have already paid for.

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The simple fact is, why should we have to re-purchase something that we already had and was already working?


It's not like we're allowed the choice between osb 2 or osb1, we are basically being forced to incur additional costs, costs that we have already paid for.


Why should scripters have to port / re-write something they never agreed to update for free because when they put it on the store it was working flawlessly and it was future proof for runescape updates ?


Concerning the question of additional costs, I crunched some numbers a couple of posts earlier I suggest you take a look at them.

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IMO the problem is that scripters are only seeing this from their POV which is why they are all saying it's great. Now this is fully understandable but at the same time it seems like they are forgetting who is actually paying for the scripts, oh and also off-site competition- that's a major factor do not forget that.

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Aka we want more money and no one is buying our scripts, so let's force re-sell them.


Let me repost this (it concerns a "lifetime" 4.99$ script able to make 200K/h with one tab) :


Cost of the script: 10M in RSGP.


200K/h * 6h/ day * 45 days = that's 45M.


After 45 days you have already tripled your investment.


Now let's apply this formula to your definition of lifetime.

I'll give lifetime a value of 5 years to be fair with you.


200K/h * 6h/ day * 1825 days = that's 2.2B = that's around 6K$ with the current rates.


That is if you use only 1 tab.


So, over 5 years you could be making 6K$ from a product quite easily and in return the script writer gets 5$ from you. How is this fair towards the script provider? 


The numbers aren't on your side.

The market isn't fair towards script providers, prove me wrong with actual numbers before you call me a money whore.

Edited by Botrepreneur
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Let me repost this (it concerns a "lifetime" 4.99$ script able to make 200K/h with one tab) :


Cost of the script: 10M in RSGP.


200K/h * 6h/ day * 45 days = that's 45M.


After 45 days you have already tripled your investment.


Now let's apply this formula to your definition of lifetime.

I'll give lifetime a value of 5 years to be fair with you.


200K/h * 6h/ day * 1825 days = that's 2.2B = that's around 6K$ with the current rates.


That is if you use only 1 tab.


So, over 5 years you could be making 6K$ from a product quite easily and in return the script writer gets 5$ from you. How is this fair towards the script provider? 


The numbers aren't on your side.

The market isn't fair towards script providers, prove me wrong with actual numbers before you call me a money whore.


You are looking at this entirely wrong, you're acting as if you deserve some slice of our profits. No you don't. You sell a piece of software that YOU chose the price on. Not us. It seems to me you now regret selling your script for too cheap, now given the opportunity to force-ably  re-sell it and even then get monthly payment YOU POUNCE LIKE A FUCKING SHARK.



You know that no one would buy your shrooms script if it were $50, not because it's not necessarily worth, but because it's an open market and someone would come along and make one for $5.

If you believe you deserve more money from your scripts, then sell them for a higher price initially, DON'T FORCE PEOPLE THAT ALREADY BOUGHT YOUR PRODUCT TO RE-BUY.


I know you are willing to defend this point to the death because quiet frankly it will be a huge revenue boost for you(2x 3x 4x?)... But can you not see what's wrong here? You're demanding to be paid for something that should me MANDOTORY.

Again you have no right what so ever to our profits so don't give me that bullshit.

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You are looking at this entirely wrong, you're acting as if you deserve some slice of our profits. No you don't. You sell a piece of software that YOU chose the price on. Not us. It seems to me you now regret selling your script for too cheap, now given the opportunity to force-ably  re-sell it and even then get monthly payment YOU POUNCE LIKE A FUCKING SHARK.



You know that no one would buy your shrooms script if it were $50, not because it's not necessarily worth, but because it's an open market and someone would come along and make one for $5.

If you believe you deserve more money from your scripts, then sell them for a higher price initially, DON'T FORCE PEOPLE THAT ALREADY BOUGHT YOUR PRODUCT TO RE-BUY.


I know you are willing to defend this point to the death because quiet frankly it will be a huge revenue boost for you(2x 3x 4x?)... But can you not see what's wrong here? You're demanding to be paid for something that should me MANDOTORY.

Again you have no right what so ever to our profits so don't give me that bullshit.

Couldn't have worded it any other way. 


I really don't see how can sit here and say 'you should be forced to re-buy all your scripts you have already bought because we have to xfer them to OSB2 :('


Regardless of how much profit we make, that's completely NONE of your business, we don't sit here trying to calculate how much you make from script sales so please, do not try to calculate how much we make botting.


You really aren't taking into consideration off-site competition are you? I really don't think you are. All you seem to be thinking is 'omg these goldfarmers making so much money I deserve more because some of them are using my script'.

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You are looking at this entirely wrong, you're acting as if you deserve some slice of our profits. No you don't. You sell a piece of software that YOU chose the price on. Not us. It seems to me you now regret selling your script for too cheap, now given the opportunity to force-ably  re-sell it and even then get monthly payment YOU POUNCE LIKE A FUCKING SHARK.

My software + the FREE bot allow you to make tons of money, all  you have to do is buy it and run it

You don't have to do anything else. My effort in the process is much greater than yours yet I get less than peanuts in return. Yes I'm selling my scripts at much to cheap prices, every one does atm, therefore every one is going to have their scripts repriced. Take another look at the numbers and compare the effort we both invested in the actual process of the money making.


You know that no one would buy your shrooms script if it were $50, not because it's not necessarily worth, but because it's an open market and someone would come along and make one for $5.

If you believe you deserve more money from your scripts, then sell them for a higher price initially, DON'T FORCE PEOPLE THAT ALREADY BOUGHT YOUR PRODUCT TO RE-BUY.




You could run the Shrooms ONCE and almost double your investment even if that investment were 50$. Please. Also price restrictions concerning competition have been added a couple of weeks ago, you can forget about "some one else will come along and make it for cheap".




 Again you have no right what so ever to our profits so don't give me that bullshit.


But I do have right to get more money for my product considering it's undervalued at the moment, the above proggie and the numbers in the previous post prove this point.

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 You really aren't taking into consideration off-site competition are you? I really don't think you are. All you seem to be thinking is 'omg these goldfarmers making so much money I deserve more because some of them are using my script'.



The main competitor doesn't even allow you to bot free scripts for free.

Can't say I'm too worried.


Regardless of how much profit we make, that's completely NONE of your business, we don't sit here trying to calculate how much you make from script sales so please, do not try to calculate how much we make botting.


It is my business.

My script is undervalued, it won't remain that way.

That's entirely your fault, we should not have to pay for that lol.


It's the fault of the current market system, hence the thing they are trying to change.

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