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The Great Transition Forward - OSBot 2


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  On 5/31/2014 at 5:50 AM, Acerd said:

Im confused , will OSBot 2 be free?



nothing in the world is free.. not totally anyways probably would have same effect - vip+ only maybe i'm assuming

Nvm i replied after LAZ lmfao i got Ko'd

Edited by DeAndre
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  On 5/31/2014 at 5:12 AM, Laz said:

 If you paid for a script that does not renew ever (aka a lifetime script) and an OSBot 2 equivalent script is available, you will only have a free-trial of 30 days for the OSBot 2 version! You may decide freely whether to keep using OSBot 1 scripts for botting or the OSBot 2 equivalents.


Will the script writer be required to update the OSBot 1 script? Otherwise I think this is unfair as I just purchased a lifetime script less than a week ago.

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  On 5/31/2014 at 5:55 AM, Runescape99 said:

Will the script writer be required to update the OSBot 1 script? Otherwise I think this is unfair as I just purchased a lifetime script less than a week ago.


if you read the post, laz stated that their would be a 30 day  free option on it aswell




For customers:

If a script is deemed equivalent to your OSBot 1 script and added onto the OSBot 2 SDN, you will be granted access to the OSBot 2 version as well! If you paid for a script that does not renew ever (aka a lifetime script) and an OSBot 2 equivalent script is available, you will only have a free-trial of 30 days for the OSBot 2 version! You may decide freely whether to keep using OSBot 1 scripts for botting or the OSBot 2 equivalents.



Edited by DeAndre
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  On 5/31/2014 at 5:50 AM, Laz said:

We'll be releasing bug-fixes throughout the transition period. We know there are still problems with interactions on OSBot 2 and are working to fix all the bugs which have been reported. On a more important note however, OSBot 2 is nearly finished. The current bugs are small and are easily fixed.

As cool as map data is, it is still gonna take months of interaction between us and you guys to tweak out unsafe/bad paths since there are no set way-points. I know I speak for many developers when I say priority should be bug fixes rather new features.
Current bugs make it hard for us to test scripts.
*Interaction - Most of us can overcome this by making our own method.
*Walking in bad regions - same as above
*randoms - We can't test the scripts for hours of time, some  of them don't work right.
*antiban - it is too intrusive and unregister does not seem to work it also messes up random events.
for example: it tries to open inventory when one isnt present or does something and closes an interface that a random needs to function.
*random mouse spasms 
*errors that require a restart such as
ERROR][05/30 08:31:31 PM]: Uncaught exception!
	at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync.tryRelease(Unknown Source)
[ERROR][05/30 08:31:31 PM]: Uncaught exception!
	at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync.tryRelease(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.release(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.unlock(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.take(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.getTask(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)


Edited by Th3
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Sounds good mate, however I do believe before you rush into releasing OSBot 2, all the bugs need to be fixed as now money is involved (All these script changes etc). I found this part a bit confusing:


For customers:
If a script is deemed equivalent to your OSBot 1 script and added onto the OSBot 2 SDN, you will be granted access to the OSBot 2 version as well! If you paid for a script that does not renew ever (aka a lifetime script) and an OSBot 2 equivalent script is available, you will only have a free-trial of 30 days for the OSBot 2 version! You may decide freely whether to keep using OSBot 1 scripts for botting or the OSBot 2 equivalents.


If a script is deemed equivalent to your OSBot 1 script and added onto the OSBot 2 SDN, you will be granted access to the OSBot 2 version as well!


So from this i'm getting that seeming as I've bought Pandemic Slayer and I'm assuming it is not going to be converted to OSBot 2, if someone ELSE releases an OSBot 2 slayer script, those who bought Pandemic Slayer automatically get free access to it?


If you paid for a script that does not renew ever (aka a lifetime script) and an OSBot 2 equivalent script is available, you will only have a free-trial of 30 days for the OSBot 2 version!


This statement then contradicts the one above it saying that now you only get 30 days trial if the equivalent script were to be released in which you would then need to re-purchase the OSBot 2 script.


Sorry if this is all confusing but.. i'm very confused by this.




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  On 5/31/2014 at 6:02 AM, Gilgad said:


So from this i'm getting that seeming as I've bought Pandemic Slayer and I'm assuming it is not going to be converted to OSBot 2, if someone ELSE releases an OSBot 2 slayer script, those who bought Pandemic Slayer automatically get free access to it?


What world do you live in Gilgad XD? 


Equivalent would mean that's the same script, by the same script maker. No one would make a slayer script in that case (no one makes it anyway due to the work needed).

Edited by Nitrousek
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Just converted one of my smaller scripts - Tutorial island script - for OSBot 2. Took me about several hours to get a hang of the API. Another several to actually change the code. Now, after all this time, I run the script to see how it runs. I seriously was naive enough to believe it would run.


Well, it doesn't.


ColorPickers method, isColorAt() - http://osbot.org/osbot2_api/org/osbot/rs07/api/ColorPicker.html

Does not work (throws more nullpointers then me searching for my biological parents).

at org.osbot.rs07.api.ColorPicker.isColorAt(jf:41)

My script is entirely based on ColorPicker.

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