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OSBot 1.8.12 and 2.1.8


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im not to happy about the equipment tab, it doesnt work if you have the bank open

It does once the information has been loaded once before, in other words if the tab has been open once before checking your equipment with an open interface will work. It now uses a caching system and a callback that updates on appearance updates.

I have updated the main post with more information on the equipment system.

I wanted to edit in some more information on the equipment update. The new system in place uses a caching system combined with a callback that updates the equipment cache on the appearance update (which happens when your player changes appearance, in other words when you change equipment except for your ring or arrow slot). The system has a cache for everything except the ring and the arrow slot when a script is started. Once the system has had the chance to open the equipment tab once while running a script it will have the opportunity to load the ring and arrow information as well.

To make sure the data of the item container is thrustworthy, the equipment system requires you to open the equipment tab once to obtain the ring and arrow data to be stored in the cache. If this didn't happen and a script is checking equipment while having a bank interface (or any other main screen interface) open, the equipment tab can't be opened and the script won't have access to the equipment data.

This will require some scripters to change some of the logic in their scripts.

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I wanted to edit in some more information on the equipment update. The new system in place uses a caching system combined with a callback that updates the equipment cache on the appearance update (which happens when your player changes appearance, in other words when you change equipment except for your ring or arrow slot). The system has a cache for everything except the ring and the arrow slot when a script is started. Once the system has had the chance to open the equipment tab once while running a script it will have the opportunity to load the ring and arrow information as well.

To make sure the data of the item container is thrustworthy, the equipment system requires you to open the equipment tab once to obtain the ring and arrow data to be stored in the cache. If this didn't happen and a script is checking equipment while having a bank interface (or any other main screen interface) open, the equipment tab can't be opened and the script won't have access to the equipment data.

This will require some scripters to change some of the logic in their scripts.


interesting so that means ring and arrow slot is still broken? So the only way to get the item within those slot is by updating the cache.

Edited by josedpay
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  • Developer

Mhm interesting way of doing it.

What would define an appearance update (vertices, colors, etc...)?


The RS client has an update cycle that is called approximately every 600ms. In this update cycle, the RS server tells the client about movement, appearance, things like hit splats etc. The appearance update block is sent by the server when a change of appearance is indicated by actions on the client, for example when you equip or unequip an item that changes the physical appearance of your character. As rings and arrows do not change your physical appearance, this update block isn't called for changes to those two slots.

What I've done is injected a call from this appearance update block that will cache the information of the remaining slots (all slots except arrows and rings). To cache the information of rings and arrows the client is required to open the equipment tab as the RS server now only sends updated information of the interface when the interface is open.

interesting so that means ring and arrow slot is still broken? So the only way to get the item within those slot is by updating the cache.

There will be an additional fix for those but I'm still debating on what solution I will use for those.

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The RS client has an update cycle that is called approximately every 600ms. In this update cycle, the RS server tells the client about movement, appearance, things like hit splats etc. The appearance update block is sent by the server when a change of appearance is indicated by actions on the client, for example when you equip or unequip an item that changes the physical appearance of your character. As rings and arrows do not change your physical appearance, this update block isn't called for changes to those two slots.

What I've done is injected a call from this appearance update block that will cache the information of the remaining slots (all slots except arrows and rings). To cache the information of rings and arrows the client is required to open the equipment tab as the RS server now only sends updated information of the interface when the interface is open.


Oh thanks for thorough explication, neat.

Good job!

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