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Is Runescape really worth it


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Do you really value your time so insignficantly that you let yourself spend half the day on a game? Even when half the day isnt enough


already, the other half of the day you spend on a botting forum, planning your way to the top to gain these virtual acheivements set


by Jagex. Some may say, ''I only bot, I quit long time ago'', but did you really? All that time you spend stressing over your bots, complaining


on fourms to fix the script when it breaks, managing each account, spending a lot of time selling the items you bot and if that isnt enough


you spend the rest of the day thinking about runescape. It never ends and wont until you put a stop to it. It isnt worth the time and effort for


virtual achievements that wont ever mean anything. I just woke up from this sick game and I feel great. Too bad I wasted this whole past


year on it which I will never be getting back. The only reason why I am on this website right now is to maybe open the eyes of some other


player and maybe he will consider quiting. Farewell motherfukers, I wont miss you and hopefull no one misses anyone that quits fucking



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I turn this into real life acheivements by selling gold smile.png gonna get a samsung S5 soon, that's pretty nice considering all i have to do was leave pc on ;P




Do you really value your time so insignficantly that you let yourself spend half the day on a game? Even when half the day isnt enough


already, the other half of the day you spend on a botting forum, planning your way to the top to gain these virtual acheivements set


by Jagex. Some may say, ''I only bot, I quit long time ago'', but did you really? All that time you spend stressing over your bots, complaining


on fourms to fix the script when it breaks, managing each account, spending a lot of time selling the items you bot and if that isnt enough


you spend the rest of the day thinking about runescape. It never ends and wont until you put a stop to it. It isnt worth the time and effort for


virtual achievements that wont ever mean anything. I just woke up from this sick game and I feel great. Too bad I wasted this whole past


year on it which I will never be getting back. The only reason why I am on this website right now is to maybe open the eyes of some other


player and maybe he will consider quiting. Farewell motherfukers, I wont miss you and hopefull no one misses anyone that quits fucking




PayPal account balance seems pretty real to me, not virtual...

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PayPal account balance seems pretty real to me, not virtual...

I have sold hundreds of dollars worth of gold in the past 2 years and all the time spent just stressing over the bots was honestly not worth it. And to think back to it, I wish I had spent my time doing something fun instead of sitting at home chasing a few hundred bucks. I didnt value my time when I was a full blown addict so you guys probably dont either so your time is probably not a good enough reason to quit. The reason why I stopped seling gold was when I started looking at rwt from a moral prespective. You are just fueling someone else's addiction and allowing themselves to waste their money. Because in the end, rsgp has no value to begin with and rwt is just letting more people waste their hard earned cash. oh and some people might be wondering 'why is this retard still on this website' .. I was curious about the replies

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Alot of mental healthy people will agree with you. I think the biggest problem is you are not creating something for the long term. Work or study can be used long term and builds up to a nice job / own company and ultimately freedom. In any addicting lvling game there is just no such thing. But some people have free time, not anything more usefull to do and kill time and earn a little money like this, I wouldn't say that's bad untill it becomes an obsession (Which game makers do everything to let it become).

Edited by breefie
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