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OSBot stuck on ''Applying client injections/modifications...''


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They dont owe any of you any reason. They said this happens once a month.....and they're working on it. It could be a few hours.....it might take till tomorrow. It doesn't matter how much you complain. Theyre working on it so just wait. If it takes till tmo then it takes till tmo.....you all can still play rs without botting in the meantime.

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They said a lot of the bots from other sites that are up and running.....arent running properly. so chances are theyre going to get banned cause its obvious theyre botting.  They would rather take their time and make sure everythings working perfectly  instead of rushing it out and finding out that it isnt working properly.

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I think everyone is frustrated at the lack of communication. Why is it so hard to drop a simple message saying hey we're working on it. We've only heard from other members of the community, no actual osbot staff. I don't get why some of you all are defending osbot so much when they've given no indication anything is actually being done.

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