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Fruity Barrows (Frost Barrows)


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@FrostBug I'm having the problem of my bot when done with a barrows run it will go back to castle wars bank, pull all my cash out, all my chaos runes, and death runes then logs out. Only works if I start the bot from barrows location but not when starting at castle wars.  I fixed it, just needed fire runes whoops

Edited by alexrolfes22
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my setting.     Combat (melee setup: Ahrims and karils) - same items

                                 (mage setup Dharoks  - guthan - torags - veracs) same items

Bot starting att barrows: Doing 1 kill > going out > Using The Ring of dueling to clanwars > running ind and out of portal > Runs to bank > Open bank and bank 3 restore > Closing bank and logging out. First picture is when I log back ind how its look. 

Edited by larsallan123
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4 minutes ago, larsallan123 said:

ohh yea forgot to change the combat setup. trying it out in 2sec

Started at Castle wars bank with close bank > start scripts > open bank > puts 3 super restore back ind and close bank > and moving some random stuff my gear spade and ring around > then tele to barrows to fight.


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2 minutes ago, larsallan123 said:

Started at Castle wars bank with close bank > start scripts > open bank > puts 3 super restore back ind and close bank > and moving some random stuff my gear spade and ring around > then tele to barrows to fight.


he killed all expect ahrims as he needed prayer had 1 x (super restore 2 doses). teled back with ring > ind out of portal > bank tanking 1 restore > close bank uses barrow tele and go to tunnels > starting killing ahrins at 89% > killed and claimed reward > tele back with ring enters portal out ind > goes to bank > banks reward and old restores and take 2 news 4 doses restore > tele to barrows.   Well atleast he goes for trip 2. but problem is that he only take 2 doses now. I watch him alittle and restart script with more restores added.   maybe its help.

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