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Fruity Barrows (Frost Barrows)


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i feel so ripped off, all this is doing is teleporting back to clanwars and logging out instantly, every single time. even when I start the script at barrows, it just goes back to clan wars and logs out.



edit: found out what the issue is. this doesn't support any blessing items in the ammo slot and messes it up, not sure how to fix that but i've been running it without the blessing and it's been working fine now.



edit2: ok now it's acting weird again. everytime I go to barrows I have to refresh my gear loadout or else it will just log out instantly.


also, it won't support bank trips, once its done with the barrows run it will just log out, meaning that i have to stand and watch the whole time anyway. is there a way to fix this 

Edited by superk
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On 2017/6/30 at 7:26 PM, SwaglordBasedGod said:

How much gp does this average per hour?

Check the overall signature on the first post

On 2017/6/30 at 9:49 PM, itzelmov1 said:

May I get trial for testing bans/gp per hr @ my lvl, & is I pay $10 for a month is it reoccuring $10 monthly? Is VIP preferred with this script?


On 2017/7/1 at 0:51 AM, Dancees said:

Exactly same things for me. I start bot at barrows entrance. After trip it teleports to clan wars then banks stuff and logs out. And yeah I have blessing in arrows slot

Like I just said, blessings are not supported, but I will add it soon. Don't use blessings for now.

On 2017/7/1 at 9:59 AM, broodjewiet said:

Can I please have a trial?


23 hours ago, polarrbearr said:

Would there be any way to make it use a tab back to the grounds if I want to run more times per trip? Running back through the tunnels wastes time/food.

EDIT: After running this for a while, it turns to shit. Just keeps going in and out of the tomb without attacking a brother. I let it do it for about a minute and then took over. About ready to ask for a refund.

Yes, there's a checkbox for teleporting back to the surface..

Restart your client if it goes to shit; sounds like a mirror mode issue to me.

4 hours ago, adam k said:

can this script do multi runs on one inv and chests in under 5 mins??

Maybe, if your stats and gear are exceptional

3 hours ago, superk said:

i feel so ripped off, all this is doing is teleporting back to clanwars and logging out instantly, every single time. even when I start the script at barrows, it just goes back to clan wars and logs out.

edit: found out what the issue is. this doesn't support any blessing items in the ammo slot and messes it up, not sure how to fix that but i've been running it without the blessing and it's been working fine now.

edit2: ok now it's acting weird again. everytime I go to barrows I have to refresh my gear loadout or else it will just log out instantly.

also, it won't support bank trips, once its done with the barrows run it will just log out, meaning that i have to stand and watch the whole time anyway. is there a way to fix this 

Calm yourself and read the troubleshooting section. The reason for logging out is always misconfiguration, and the exact way to fix it is written for you in the logger.

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No need for a trial anymore FrostBug, bought the script already since I couldn't wait anymore :)

First impression is very good, runs smoothly once you have the correct setup. I'm getting about 8 runs / H.

Wanted to make a 4H proggy for  the forum but sadly my barrows gear broke down so the script stopped after about 3 hours. 

some minor improvements you might be able to implement:

1.) Pathing while using clanwars teleport, script goes through portal first and then back to go banking. If you switch this around you save some time.

2.) Making use of ranging potions, I for one feel that blowpiping is much faster on ahrims & tunnel creeps but I can't buff my range with this script atm.

Again thanks for the awesome script and keep it updated :D

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16 hours ago, broodjewiet said:

I have such a nice proggy for you right now but I can't seem to get this add banner away :/

also when I take a screenshot in OSbot it doesnt show ur script running but just the chatbox, do you have any solution to that?

There's an X in the top-right corner to close the ad iirc

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