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Learning Java and Becoming a Script Writer


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Learning Java and Becoming a Script Writer

I will be keeping track of all my progress towards improving my knowledge of Java and other utilities, I’ll be starting with no prior knowledge of programming. My goal is to learn programming language/s to a high ability so that I can develop products myself in the future.

Programming Resources

Week 1


Day 1


To begin I will be collecting resources from around the internet which I can use to build firm foundations on learning the core mechanics of Java, these will include: ebooks, online courses and forums.

  • Installed Java SE Development Kit 8
  • Installed IntelliJ IDEA
  • Installed latest OSBot 2.5.87 build

To start as recommended by Chris I will be watching the YouTube Java Tutorial series by Derek Banas to grasp the basics of Java. Alongside this I will be working on completing Codecademy’s Java course.


Moving away from Derek Banas YouTube Java Tutorial series for the evening I have started focusing more on Codecademy’s Java course. I have now completed the first couple of assignments with ease, with a clear understanding of the different variable types within Java.

Day 2


Today I began continuing my progress with Codecademy’s online Java course starting from where I left off from last night. I’ve found their online course to be very useful for someone learning programming from scratch, much more than any other online courses I've tried to date.

So far I've completed the following lessons:

  • Hello World
  • Variables
  • Object-Oriented Java
  • Conditionals and Control Flow

I will be continuing my progress by completing Codecademy's lessons, no doubt I will go over a couple of the lessons to refine my knowledge. After this I plan to move onto some basic RuneScape scripting, probably starting with Woodcutting (Everyone's favorite).

Day 3


Today I managed to complete the rest of Codecademy's online Java course, they offer a very useful service for new programmers such as myself. Over the next week I will probably return to a couple of the fundamental lessons to improve my knowledge of them.

I've completed the final couple of lessons:

  • Arrays and ArrayLists
  • Loops
  • String Methods
  • Inheritance and Polymorephism
  • Debugging

My current plan is to start working with OSBot's API and IntelliJ to develop a woodcutting script which I will expand upon as I learn.

Day 4-7


Within the last couple of days I have been working with OSBot's API and IntelliJ to develop my own woodcutting script, by doing so I now have a clear understanding of how the basics of the Java language works. Starting with woodcutting has allowed me to look round OSBot's API and use a couple of methods to my advantage, implementing my own "anti-ban" methods. I will continue to develop the woodcutting script as my knowledge of programming continues to grow with a possible release in the future.

Paint added (Mouse overlay, title of script, status, run time, experience gained)

The woodcutting script has now been running for 24+ hours without fail, the account is free to play (Low experience gained due to woodcutting level and axe).

Edited by Lloyd1871
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Hey man, best of luck learning to programing.

My advice :

  • Rome wasn't built in a day, but it burned in one. You just need one bad experience to quit and never do it again. Take alots of breaks, plans things out with  "And then logic"[ I do this and then I do this ... so for and so on] or find something that works for you and maybe move to making bots becuase there is amost instance pay off becuase you can see what things are doing,   
  • find the api  here https://osbot.org/api/
  • Learn basic logic loops and conditional [seem those video sould be fine.]
  • Dont forget you can ask for help and code reviews here  https://osbot.org/forum/forum/249-scripting-help/ 

Always best of luck.



Edited by Nbacon
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