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How to build a Zulrah account


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here I'll write your guide

1. train range to 30 at seagulls at port sarim. use darts or knives. (sand crabs also work like a charm however for 1-20 seagulls have lower defense and you might as well just stay there since you are probably going to use a bot for this part anyways)
2. do the animal magnetism quest line asap.
3. use mithril darts to train range to 65 at sand crabs. use Rapid.
*4. at 65 range switch to longrange. Continue with the same method  at sand crabs. use range pots. (you will ding 75 range and 70 defense at about the same time)
5. after range and defense, train magic. do 3-25 by splashing curses.
**6. 25-55 magic with teleports (this is the fastest method, although kind of expensive, you can also do low alchemy in between teleports or just autoclick the teleports)
7. 55-75 magic by autoclicking high alchemy. 
**8. 1-50 (or 60) prayer by using a POH altar (or ecto or chaos altar or whatever, these are all good choices)
9. train agility and finish the regicide quest line 
10. do mage arena last. also you can do horror from the deep if you want a book of darkness.

*Tbh if hand training the account I would do waterfall quest, fight arena, and the monkey madness quest line just for melee stats and agility exp from the grand tree, but that's just me. I don't mind doing MM anymore but some people absolutely despise it. If you get melee stats this way, then you can just train defense with melee combat and finish range training on rapid. If you are fast at questing, then doing Merlin's crystal and the Holy Grail quests are also worth it for 11k prayer and 15k defense exp. In fact I would even complete the tourist trap for ~9k agility exp, even if I have to get 20 smithing via Knight's sword first. 9 fletching is gained via animal magnetism so you only need to get like 200 exp.

**for magic and prayer early on you can take yourself to the lava dragon isle and fire strike the lava dragons, burying their bones. when buried they grant 340 experience per bone. only do this if you cannot afford bones and runes for the fast and efficient training methods. Spending a few mil to save you several hours of training is well worth it. Not to mention you are almost guaranteed to be pk'd at lava dragons if you go there at this combat level.

also I only covered combat training here. for agility you should just use rooftop courses probably... or do quests for the exp if you are hand training it. 

Edited by nezbomb
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  On 8/12/2018 at 3:19 AM, Mickey Mouse said:

why are zulrah accounts in such high demand? Whats so good about zulrah?


I make about $500 a month running 4 bots about 6-8 hrs a day. However, minus dedicated server, script subscription, and proxies price my profit is about $200-250. Now that I have to proof of concept I am growing to my farm to about 9-10 bots at the end of the month. It's a nice farm to have, and it's a good way to make money on the side without doing much.

Edit: I am not from Venezuela. I have a full time job and this is just a hobby with a good return.


Edited by DoesItWork
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