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Linux server ram usage.


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Hello, i have noticed that the ram usage on my osbot clients keeps going up. After 6 hours of running apa sand crabs (and other scripts) the usage goes to as high as 4gb+ per client. While on my windows desktop it stays usally under 1-1.5gb max. I have looked thru the forum and found a topic stating this is caused by runescape sound since the server does not have a sound card. But after turning off all sounds ingame and on login screen this problem wont go away. 

Does anyone else have this problem and does anyone know a solution to this ? 

The ram seems to vary wildly as they are atm all runing the same scrip or none at all


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  • 3 weeks later...

The simple test would be starting one OSBot client and one REGULAR (NOT OSBUDDY/RUNELITE/XYZ) client overnight. Do NOT start scripts, do NOT log in, just simply bring them both to the login screen.

Look at the differences between them when you wake up in the morning. Obviously OSBot WILL use more memory because it has to load a lot more things, but both clients should be under 1GB. 

Otherwise we dont know if its the game or the client.

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14 minutes ago, Alek said:

The simple test would be starting one OSBot client and one REGULAR (NOT OSBUDDY/RUNELITE/XYZ) client overnight. Do NOT start scripts, do NOT log in, just simply bring them both to the login screen.

Look at the differences between them when you wake up in the morning. Obviously OSBot WILL use more memory because it has to load a lot more things, but both clients should be under 1GB. 

Otherwise we dont know if its the game or the client.

I will test this. I am having problems on my linux server :S


I sent you a message also

Edited by packthebowlll
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