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Honestly, what's the point of having a contest board if you rarely do contests?

You should do more contests to make the users feel like you want them to be a part of the forum and the group that is OSBot. Not for them to just be using the service provided by it. Since, most of them are leechers anyway. (Go ahead and make your joke about me being a leecher, but I haven't even used the bot in well over a month).


Contests are always good for a community, in short.


* Possibly even allow user contests.

Edited by BrainDeadGenius
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What I meant by that, Sherlock, was that if you incorporate the users into things such as contests, it makes you look good for one. It shows the people that you're willing to give away / whatever ............ I'm having troubles thinking of how to word it how I want. Lol. But anyway, in short, contests are good for the community.

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