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Keylogged somehow?


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Today I logged in after work, to find that all my valuables were gone off my account. I found this weird as I don't share my accounts with anyone.


Let me clear up a few things:

I haven't clicked any suspicious links.

I haven't used any free bots.

I haven't typed any account details in any browser except runescape.

My other accounts were not touched.

Details have not been changed.


I HIGHLY DOUBT this has any correlation since they are very trusted scripts but heres a list I have used recently:

Fruity Zulrah

Apa Sandcrabs

Perfect Magic AIO

Perfect Woodcutter

Perfect Fisher


If anyone could shine some light or had a similar experience recently, please share.



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1 minute ago, Zappster said:

Is the login to the account an email address that you've held for a long time?   

Have you used said email to register on runescape related fan sites?

Have you used the same password at any point in time?

Why don't you have 2step on?

It is an old email address

I definitely haven't registered to a fan sight, I just make accounts to farm zulrah, I don't play for fun :doge:


ahhhhwell, they got me for 20m only, was alching the account up to 85 mage

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  • Administrator
4 minutes ago, Woz said:

Are you the original owner of the account? If the account was ever owned by anyone before you, it is easy to for them to access it as they please.

That isn't how it works if the password wasn't changed. Basically he probably used an old password and the same name/email that he used to register a website and that database was leaked.

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