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Want 2 day ban instead of perm ban? Get quest points.


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44 minutes ago, javidamme said:


this is a really good guide for zerker and euhm like if u want to have a good and decent zerker u should count on a month without botting and rdy for high risk fights

That's a damn great guild, thank you brotha.

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2 minutes ago, LeBron said:

200+ QP

Rank <200 HCIM with lots of low stats and 1650+ overall with several 99s

Botted only 80-85 agility, perm banned. So your "findings" are BS, it seems like it depends entirely on the mood of the JMod catching you, if Weath didn't get to hit it the night before he'll probably perm you for autoclicking to stay logged in while AFKing something. 


EDIT: Oh yeah, fresh IP even a brand new PC actually and NEVER botted on this PC nor IP before as I originally quit botting years prior. 


When did you get the ban? Maybe it was when kids on reddit were spamming posts about high ranked accounts botting their skills?

Getting perm banned from agility when you have 1650+ total and several 99s is definitely not normal, are you sure you got banned for botting agility?

1 hour ago, dragonite3000 said:

Off topic but how long would you say it takes to quest a zerker from ground up?

Doesn't take that long if you've got motivation to play the game, depends how fast you get the reqs etc too.

1 hour ago, spicencricket said:

How long did you bot for after those quests?

I botted probably ~20 hours within 2 days, which is stupid. I didn't realize i had botted that much.

54 minutes ago, javidamme said:

so actually youre saying if u do a couple quests u will get a 2 day ban instead of perm?

Not couple, i'd say the more quest points you have, the better chances.

I had 46qp when i got banned if i remember correctly.

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32 minutes ago, JARNQ said:


When did you get the ban? Maybe it was when kids on reddit were spamming posts about high ranked accounts botting their skills?

Getting perm banned from agility when you have 1650+ total and several 99s is definitely not normal, are you sure you got banned for botting agility?

Doesn't take that long if you've got motivation to play the game, depends how fast you get the reqs etc too.

I botted probably ~20 hours within 2 days, which is stupid. I didn't realize i had botted that much.

Not couple, i'd say the more quest points you have, the better chances.

I had 46qp when i got banned if i remember correctly.

Yes, botted agility and then went into NMZ (playing legit on OSBuddy client), 1h or so later I got hammered. Idk few months back. 2-3 maybe. It was a few weeks after that HCIM lraqi (frontpage guy) botted 97 thieving, got caught live on Faux's stream 50+ people followed him around and reported him on a friday, he continued botting to 99 and got a temp ban on monday, fucking bullshit. 

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3 hours ago, tedrowilson said:

You botted magic that's why, if you bot something gold-farmy it doesn't matter how many qps you have you will probably get perma'd.


1 hour ago, Zabuza said:

Has nothing to do with quests, I had a couple of accounts that got 2-day ban with like 15 to 25 quest points max. I think it really has to do with the proxies (being virgin-proxies ofcourse) and depending on what u are botting. 


Doesn't matter what you're botting if your account is new enough. All of my pures that have gotten banned have been permanent, until this one and the only difference is ~50 QP.

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