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Scripting differences between Mirror Mode & Stealth Injection


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It's been a while, but i do believe I've seen some posts in which someone states XYZ doesn't work or is buggy on Mirror Mode, etc.


What would these broken/buggy things be on Mirror Mode? As I'd like to start developing my scripts to have maximum compatibility for both versions of OSBot.


Thank you!

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19 minutes ago, Team Cape said:

The best way is to run the script you want to test on injection, make sure it's perfect, then just test it on mirror mode to make sure it functions in the same way. It's pretty straightforward, really.


To me, it's not a matter of testing to see if it works. That's certainly not a problem considering its really the idea behind making any program. I would like to know, however, what things are bugged in mirror vs injection. I can tell that stealth quester seems to have issues with dialogues in mirror mode so maybe thats 1 thing? Little stuff like that would be nice to know

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