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Sleep until?


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6 minutes ago, OllieW said:

Sorry for noob question but how can I use sleep until for example sleep until my player hasnt animated in say 10 seconds?


isAnimating() isn't reliable for furnaces etc :(?

There's one of two ways to solve this: Either you get creative and look for something else to sleep for or create a method which sleeps until player hasnt animated for 10 seconds. Im pretty sure the first one would be easier for you. ex: check for items in inv or something

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1 hour ago, Deceiver said:

sleepuntil() -> !getinv.contains(ore/bar), 30000

Do NOT do this. If anything goes wrong, you'll be sitting there for up to 30 seconds just doing nothing.

I normally use a Timer class for the following code, but this will still work and maintains the same jist.

Here is the pastebin because the forums won't let me post it:



Edit #2: For some reason, my last edit deleted everything I wrote (?) so I just rewrote it.

Edited by Team Cape
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For furnace, you would want to cond sleep when widget are null or no longer visible.

You want to interact with furnace if you been idle for x seconds 

  private boolean idleFor(int millis){

            timeSinceAnimation = System.currentTimeMillis();
            timeSinceIdle = System.currentTimeMillis();

        return timeSinceAnimation + millis < timeSinceIdle;

variables are global

Edited by dreameo
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