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[Hiring] Questers, Minigame, Powerleveling Workers


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Hi all looking to expand my services and to do so require a bigger taskforce so I am hiring!

Areas of hire : Powerleveling,Questing,Minigames.

  • You will have to deposit 15M oldschool RSGP.
  • You are required to have a clean reputation across other sites.
  • You cannot be banned on any other sites, for whatever reason.
  • You must be able to use Skype to discuss orders. (Discord is acceptable)
  • You must speak English.

Your deposit will determine the type of jobs you perform.


Application form :
Have you read & agreed to my ToS*? :

Do you agree to discuss about the deposit? :
What is your Skype ? :
Have you added my Skype?: 
What are you applying for? (Powerleveller/Quester/Minigames) :
Do you have any experience with a service? :


1. You cannot use any form of botting or auto clicking whilst working for me, everything has to be HAND DONE (unless otherwise agreed by the client) 
2. If you disrespect me or any of your colleague workers you forfeit your deposit.
3. You will never scam in any situation. If you do you forfeit your deposit and will face consequences. 
4. Orders always have to go through me.  
5. You can advertise but always put my Skype below.
6. Any order you take must be completed.
7. You must notify me when you're gonna be away for a while. 
8. You are not allowed to take any payment from customers on your own. Doing so will make you responsible for it and can lead to a kick from the service.
9. You must respond on Skype while logged on a client's account.
10. Whilst working on powerleveling requests you must provide teamviewer access long as u are logged in on the account.
Edited by aeondenied
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