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Islam - Fighting Propaganda with Truth

Team Cape

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I find the need to just put this out there, because while I'm definitely not a scholar or a teacher, it's not difficult to look this information up in about 2 minutes, if you're not a loser who preaches hate online with a picture of MLK (:???:?). For those of you defending Islam, learn enough about your religion to actually believe in it. Don't just believe it for no reason. MLK, it's clear that you haven't read the Quran 'cover to cover' as you state. Literally any Muslim, or anybody who has even read a portion for the Quran in order for study can see this with ease. Please do not pretend like you know about a religion, when you're just as much of a dimwit as the people that you trick. 

@MLK @jesenican @str555 @upotudrop @ez11 @Light @Rxdking @rosebudbutt  @Ahmed Diab @Spills @Saiyan

This is a real (translation) of the Quran. It's clear that none of you have actually studied the Quran or are actually familiar with the nature of the Quran. The Quran came down incrementally at different times and came down in response to occurrences in the lives of the Prophet (saw) and his Companions (ra) at the time.


"And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

This is a real quote (of the English translation). The Quran from Oxfford's World Classic subnotes this verse as, "In this context, this definitely refers to the ones who broke the treaty. The article here is ahdiya (specific) referring to what has already been stated." So, instead of cherrypicking, we can actually go back in the Quran and see what this refers to.


"Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him]."

Clearly, the Muslims upheld their side of the treaty with the polytheists of the time. Why? Because Muhammad (saw) never lied - it was one of his traits as a person. Even his enemies of the time, people that hated his guts and later went to war with him, would leave their treasured items with him, because they knew he was not a thief.


The Prophet (pbuh) was wellknown for his honesty. The pagans of Makkah -who were openly hostile towards him- would leave their valuables with him. His honesty and reliability was tested when the pagans of Makkah abused him and tortured his companions and drove them out of their homes. He ordered his cousin, Ali b. Abi Talib to postpone his migration for three days to return to people their valuables.22

The Prophet (saw) was an inherently peaceful man - that's why he was followed. Quoting the Quran:


Say, "O disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."

I'll leave you with this final thought:

When Muhammad (saw) conquered Mecca, he gave complete amnesty to its citizens. These include those at poured camel's guts on him while he was in prayer, those who tortured him and his daughters, and those who slandered him on a daily basis - imagine hundreds of people that you've known and trusted for the rest of your life suddenly hating you, and you'll get an inkling of what he went through and what he forgave.


@MLK You are a fraud. And worse, you're bad at it. Don't post up like MLK when you have little more intelligence or acceptance than a baboon. 

Edited by Imateamcape
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1 minute ago, Imateamcape said:

I find the need to just put this out there, because while I'm definitely not a scholar or a teacher, it's not difficult to look this information up in about 2 minutes, if you're not a loser who preaches hate online with a picture of MLK (:???:?). For those of you defending Islam, learn enough about your religion to actually believe in it. Don't just believe it for no reason. MLK, it's clear that you haven't read the Quran 'cover to cover' as you state. Literally any Muslim, or anybody who has even read a portion for the Quran in order for study can see this with ease. Please do not pretend like you know about a religion, when you're just as much of a dimwit as the people that you trick. 

@MLK @jesenican @str555 @upotudrop @ez11 @Light @Rxdking @rosebudbutt  @Ahmed Diab @Spills @Saiyan

This is a real (translation) of the Quran. It's clear that none of you have actually studied the Quran or are actually familiar with the nature of the Quran. The Quran came down incrementally at different times and came down in response to occurrences in the lives of the Prophet (saw) and his Companions (ra) at the time.

This is a real quote (of the English translation). The Quran from Oxfford's World Classic subnotes this verse as, "In this context, this definitely refers to the ones who broke the treaty. The article here is ahdiya (specific) referring to what has already been stated." So, instead of cherrypicking, we can actually go back in the Quran and see what this refers to.

Clearly, the Muslims upheld their side of the treaty with the polytheists of the time. Why? Because Muhammad (saw) never lied - it was one of his traits as a person. Even his enemies of the time, people that hated his guts and later went to war with him, would leave their treasured items with him, because they knew he was not a thief.

The Prophet (saw) was an inherently peaceful man - that's why he was followed. Quoting the Quran:

I'll leave you with this final thought:

When Muhammad (saw) conquered Mecca, he gave complete amnesty to its citizens. These include those at poured camel's guts on him while he was in prayer, those who tortured him, and those who slandered him on a daily basis - imagine hundreds of people that you've known and trusted for the rest of your life suddenly hating you, and you'll get an inkling of what he went through and what he forgave.


GG boys.

What I quoted was directly from the Quran and I didn't even include the fact that Muhammad raped a 9 year old. GG. <3

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11 minutes ago, Imateamcape said:

Answer it. With your 'extensive' knowledge of Islam, it should be easy.

Answer what? If you're trying to say Islam is some wonderful religion and Muhammad was a wonderful man and etc, then that's your ship to sink in l0l.

Muhammad the paedophile was always good to Muslim men, it's the Muslim women and none Muslims who he raped, killed and tortured etc.

If we look at some statistics, In the UK around 3% of the population are Muslim, 90% or more of terrorist related crimes in the UK are committed by Muslims and 90% or more of the paedophile rape gangs are Muslims. That's based on crime statistics which you can find and check for yourself. 

To me it's obvious; The Koran says to kill atheists and Mohammad was a confirmed paedophile. It's no surprise to me that 90% + of the terrorists and paedophile rape gangs in the UK are Muslim. 

8 minutes ago, Visty said:

Bruh, you don't know shit.

That's what every christian says, "Mohammed (SAWS) raped a 9 year old girl" Give me proof that he did.

Give me proof that Allah exists l0l, and don't assume my religion. :D

Edited by MLK
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6 minutes ago, MLK said:

Answer what? If you're trying to say Islam is some wonderful religion and Muhammad was a wonderful man and etc, then that's your ship to sink in l0l.

Muhammad the paedophile was always good to Muslim men, it's the Muslim women and none Muslims who he raped, killed and tortured etc.

If we look at some statistics, In the UK around 3% of the population are Muslim, 90% or more of terrorist related crimes in the UK are committed by Muslims and 90% of more of the paedophile rape gangs are Muslims. That's based on crime statistics which you can find and check for yourself. 

To me it's obvious; The Koran says to kill atheists and Mohammad was a confirmed paedophile. It's no surprise to me that 90% + of the terrorists and paedophile rape gangs in the UK are Muslim. 

Give me proof that Allah exists l0l, and don't assume my religion. :D

'As at 31 March 2014, the latest point in time for which data is available for public use, the male prison population in England and Wales for all offenders serving immediate custodial sentence for rape was 5,682.  Of this, there were 676 offenders who self-declared their religion as Muslim (12% of the total).'


Not quite sure where you got that 90% figure, mate. Must be reading too much of The Sun.

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7 minutes ago, MLK said:

Answer what? If you're trying to say Islam is some wonderful religion and Muhammad was a wonderful man and etc, then that's your ship to sink in l0l.

Muhammad the paedophile was always good to Muslim men, it's the Muslim women and none Muslims who he raped, killed and tortured etc.

If we look at some statistics, In the UK around 3% of the population are Muslim, 90% or more of terrorist related crimes in the UK are committed by Muslims and 90% of more of the paedophile rape gangs are Muslims. That's based on crime statistics which you can find and check for yourself. 

To me it's obvious; The Koran says to kill atheists and Mohammad was a confirmed paedophile. It's no surprise to me that 90% + of the terrorists and paedophile rape gangs in the UK are Muslim. 

Give me proof that Allah exists l0l, and don't assume my religion. :D

Read the quran, there are several proof that Allah do exist. The universe is one of them. Allah (SWT) created the human kind into the best shape possible. Look at yourself and thing of a place put your eyes, head, or organs a better place than it's in right now. You can't. God made humans and animals into perfection.

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Just now, stencil said:

'As at 31 March 2014, the latest point in time for which data is available for public use, the male prison population in England and Wales for all offenders serving immediate custodial sentence for rape was 5,682.  Of this, there were 676 offenders who self-declared their religion as Muslim (12% of the total).'


Not quite sure where you got that 90% figure, mate. Must be reading too much of The Sun.

That has no relevance to my statistic. I'm speaking specifically about organised child rape gangs, paedophile rings, etc. 

Thanks for pointing that out though :) - 3% of the population but at least 12% of the rapists are Muslim.

That speaks volumes.  

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9 minutes ago, MLK said:

Answer what? If you're trying to say Islam is some wonderful religion and Muhammad was a wonderful man and etc, then that's your ship to sink in l0l.

Muhammad the paedophile was always good to Muslim men, it's the Muslim women and none Muslims who he raped, killed and tortured etc.

If we look at some statistics, In the UK around 3% of the population are Muslim, 90% or more of terrorist related crimes in the UK are committed by Muslims and 90% or more of the paedophile rape gangs are Muslims. That's based on crime statistics which you can find and check for yourself. 

To me it's obvious; The Koran says to kill atheists and Mohammad was a confirmed paedophile. It's no surprise to me that 90% + of the terrorists and paedophile rape gangs in the UK are Muslim. 

Give me proof that Allah exists l0l, and don't assume my religion. :D

Lmao and u say ur not an islamaphobe.


You clearly dont know fucking shit if you think 90% of the terrorist attacks were done by Muslims

ever heard of the IRA my friend? 

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“We have indeed created humankind in the best of molds.”
Quran 95:4 (Surat At-Tin, The Fig)

“The work of Allah who has perfected everything (He created).
Qur’an 27:88 (An-Naml, The Ant)

“He is the One Who has made perfectly everything He has created: He began the creation of human beings with clay, And made his progeny from a quintessence of the nature of a fluid despised: But He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him something of His spirit…”
Quran 32:7-9 (As-Sajdah, the Prostration)

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14 minutes ago, MLK said:

Answer what? If you're trying to say Islam is some wonderful religion and Muhammad was a wonderful man and etc, then that's your ship to sink in l0l.


Muhammad the paedophile was always good to Muslim men

, it's the Muslim women and none Muslims who he raped, killed and tortured etc.

If we look at some statistics, In the UK around 3% of the population are Muslim, 90% or more of terrorist related crimes in the UK are committed by Muslims and 90% of more of the paedophile rape gangs are Muslims. That's based on crime statistics which you can find and check for yourself. 

To me it's obvious; The Koran says to kill atheists and Mohammad was a confirmed paedophile. It's no surprise to me that 90% + of the terrorists and paedophile rape gangs in the UK are Muslim. 

Give me proof that Allah exists l0l, and don't assume my religion. :D

Ok. Let's break down how wrong this is. One thing at a time.


Muhammad the paedophile

Nope. Different times. You can't criticize something someone did in 600 CE and act like you are above the world and its rights because their society was inherently different from ours. With the consent of Aisha (ra) and both of her parents, Aisha (ra) was married off to the Prophet (saw). And the Prophet (saw) died when she was 18. And she (ra) never took another husband (saw) after him. In fact, after his death, she prayed continuously that God (saw) even allow her to see him in her dreams when she went to sleep. She spoke of him with the highest praise, constantly defending him from anybody that slandered him, etc. You cannot deny that what they had is 1000x better what a hateful little slimeball on the internet like yourself will ever have.


Muhammad the paedophile was always good to Muslim men

Wrong. In a hadith, there was actually a non-Muslim woman that lived beside him that used to throw trash on his lawn on a daily basis. One day, she stopped throwing trash on his lawn, and the Prophet (saw), bewildered that she had stopped, went to check on her...

"The story related about this incident, mentions a neighbor of the Prophet that tried her best to irritate him by throwing garbage in his way every day. One day, when he walked out of his home there was no garbage. This made the Prophet inquire about the old woman and he came to know that she was sick. The Prophet went to visit her and offer any assistance she might need. The old woman was extremely humbled and at the same time ashamed of her actions in light of the concern that the Prophet showed her. By seeing the example of compassion of Prophet Muhammad SAWS_sm__14x12.JPG, she became convinced that Islam must be a true religion that the Prophet was preaching. "

In another instance, there was a black woman that used to clean the masjid, and one day, the Prophet (saw) noticed she was missing. He asked where she went, and they told him she had died. He responded by asking why they hadn't told him, so he could've prayed for her on the day of her death, like they thought she wasn't important. Everyone was important to the Prophet (saw). He was one of the most caring and passionate men in existence (saw).


If we look at some statistics, In the UK around 3% of the population are Muslim, 90% or more of terrorist related crimes in the UK are committed by Muslims and 90% of more of the paedophile rape gangs are Muslims. That's based on crime statistics which you can find and check for yourself. 

This is a social issue. I'm not even going to get into this because how you default to this shows me that you have no knowledge of Islam.



To me it's obvious; The Koran says to kill atheists and Mohammad was a confirmed paedophile. It's no surprise to me that 90% + of the terrorists and paedophile rape gangs in the UK are Muslim. 

Now that I've successfully deflected everything you've said, and you've exhausted your arsenal of ignorance, now you resort to baseless claims that show how little you know. Where is your fake anthropology degree now? It only took one person who had researched Islam in the internet to show how much of a fraud you are. Sad...


Give me proof that Allah exists l0l, and don't assume my religion.

If you can see that matter exists, then you know that God (swt) exists. Matter cannot exist without a creator.


Please respond to anything I've said in the last 2 posts and I'll concede my entire argument. You've already wasted your entire arsenal of ignorance and BS.

Edited by Imateamcape
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