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Show banned users + reasons for ban


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Yeah I was worried this may be the case and I'm glad you brought it up.

Anyone with legal backgrounds able to tell us a way around this? Maybe something in the ToS?



I've not read the ToS fully on here,  but I assume the only way "Around it" would be if there was a legal department trying to get such information. But even then it would be sketchy as there are obviously minors on this forum which public information isn't legally allowed to be given out about them iirc.

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I've not read the ToS fully on here,  but I assume the only way "Around it" would be if there was a legal department trying to get such information. But even then it would be sketchy as there are obviously minors on this forum which public information isn't legally allowed to be given out about them iirc.


Let's ask on reddit...


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I honestly don't feel a banned users page would do us any good. I mean we basically already have it with Dispute Archives. I highly doubt ANYONE could clean up the OSRS black market considering, normal RS players are toxic enough; and now you're on the blackmarket with the shiftyess of shifty around. So someone gets banned for scamming, great how does the list you are purposing prevent it from happening again? The user is already banned; they aren't coming back and if they are they are vading so there isn't much of a way to tell if this new member is a vader or not.

Honestly I bet there are some vader accounts reading this right now.

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I honestly don't feel a banned users page would do us any good. I mean we basically already have it with Dispute Archives. I highly doubt ANYONE could clean up the OSRS black market considering, normal RS players are toxic enough; and now you're on the blackmarket with the shiftyess of shifty around. So someone gets banned for scamming, great how does the list you are purposing prevent it from happening again? The user is already banned; they aren't coming back and if they are they are vading so there isn't much of a way to tell if this new member is a vader or not.

Honestly I bet there are some vader accounts reading this right now.


The fact is that you can't click on the usernames of the banned users and go thru the post history (or view the rep). Generic names are a pain to search via google. Much easier if we can just get a topic we can ctrl+f thru and find the answer in seconds imo.

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The fact is that you can't click on the usernames of the banned users and go thru the post history (or view the rep). Generic names are a pain to search via google. Much easier if we can just get a topic we can ctrl+f thru and find the answer in seconds imo.


If the user is already banned how does this help? If they've already recovered and account or charged back a PP transaction how is this page going to prevent it again?

It's an extremely toxic community it's always going to happen I don't think your mind "can be at ease" when dealing with folks on this website, as we've all seen time and time again the amount of FB / Rep isn't synonymous with whether they will scam.

I just don't see much use looking up a banned user other than for the lolz, if they truly want to scam again they will just vade.

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Damn reddit bots man


If the user is already banned how does this help? If they've already recovered and account or charged back a PP transaction how is this page going to prevent it again?

It's an extremely toxic community it's always going to happen I don't think your mind "can be at ease" when dealing with folks on this website, as we've all seen time and time again the amount of FB / Rep isn't synonymous with whether they will scam.

I just don't see much use looking up a banned user other than for the lolz, if they truly want to scam again they will just vade.


I think you may be thinking a little close minded. There's multiple reasons. One being curiosity with those I have previously dealt with, but also those who I may deal with in the future.

Fact is, if I see someone banned on a forums I'm resilent to deal with them. If they tell me they are banned for harrasment I will assume it's for scamming and will refuse to trade with them, however, If there's a topic on that forum I can search thru to find the true reason (posted by a verified staff member who has access to that information) and it confirms the ban was just for harrasment, I will most likely trade with that user.


Right now it's hard to find which member has scammed or have just been permed because of harrasments/other OSBot rules they have broken.


I understand you may not see the reason for a lookup, but it takes less than 10 seconds to write a username and a short brief explanation of why that user was banned and it does more than just "looks up a banned member for the lolz".


we've all seen time and time again the amount of FB / Rep isn't synonymous with whether they will scam.

That's true, but what I meant to say is that we can't even currently view the rep to work out the reason of a ban (if they had a -1 to show why they was banned for scamming).

Edited by Zappster
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