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Staff AMA (Ask Me Anything) @Solution


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I'm down for some good ol' interaction with the community and now that I have some spare time I figured I'd try this out. I'm not sure if this will work out since who the fuck actually cares, but I'm going to give it a shot anyways. 

If there's anything you'd like to know about me as a person or anything, this will be the place to ask. Quite honestly I don't know if people are interested in something like this but I consider this a test ;)

Let me know what you think of the idea, why is it good/bad, or if there's any other type of interaction you'd like to see with/from the staff team. I can't guarantee something will happen but I'll try my best to make something work!


-No stupid questions (e.g. what's you full address, password etc.)

-Ask away





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y r u gay hahahaa



What is your favorite part of being moderator boge.png ?

PS: can you change my username to Maldesto?

It's a coin toss between having laughs with the current team while also being able to work together, or the feeling that you're helping people.

PS: no


sunny side up or over easy?

I whisk it together tbh but out of those 2 over easy


how old r u fam



Whats your favorite anime? 

You fucking weaboo

Does avatar last airbender count as anime? I don't really watch all the much

Why is abuser @saiyan a mod emote3.png ?



OK serious: Do you bot urself or just mod around ? 


Because you all need some of that whipit.gif

Whats is your name



i can answer that doge.png

It's on my skype :boge:

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