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There goes my gpa for this year


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Horribel Exam anxiety..


Something I've had for a while, and was wondering how some people deal with this. I'm fine studying and preparing for the exam. But when I'm taking an exam my mind goes into some tunnel mode. No matter what I do, which would be something like trying to control my breathing and pace myself, nothing works.



Just had my midterms. Took physics exam, I lost 16 points .. which resulted in me getting an 83 by forgetting units and messing up division like 16/4 and 1/srt(2). Took my Operating Systems exam, for some reason read a problem backwards, panicked and changed a bunch of my answers. Lost a potential 9 points resulting in a 79. Took my probability exam got a 75, loss a potential 19 points by, putting the decimal in the wrong place in half my answer, not being able to add a few numbers. I also thought 1/4 was .5. I Just don't know what the hell it is.


It's to the point where I can't do basic arithmetic and sometimes can't even properly read questions.

Any guidance would be appreciated!

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if you care enough and are willing to, take 200mg caffeine before the test and you'll be focused. if you want to seek help from the school though, which is what i'd recommend, that would probably be a good idea. you could get extra time or something of that sort


So spot on man, Caffeine is life. 

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