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Perfect Runecrafter AIO


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4 hours ago, Czar said:

Any idea on if it was a regular disconnect from the game?

im really unsure what it was it has happened 2 more times, tried running last night when I was heading to bed and not even 10 min later I looked and it was logged out at the edge tele spot. I don't think it was happening with no pouches but I have a small and medium pouch and it started wigging out, i'll run it again here shortly and try to babysit it to see what causes the logout(again this is when im running natures through abyss)

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ran perfect for 15 min. however after that it did the teles as soon as clicked my mounted glory it pulled up logout screen as soon as edge popped up it logged


another occurance less than 3 inventories later. any kind of log or anything I can pull up to send you for the error

ran a few more times over past couple hours:

still having same outcome but sometimes runs 2 min sometimes 20-30 then will always log itself out. 

may I ask what parameters you have that it auto logs when x happens



another bug I found is in the bank it will usually fill my pouches rebank withdraw the essence then sit there with the moue in bottom left of bank gui (script interface says bank stage and rotates through the stages numberwise but doesn't do anything)then I have to manually exit and resume script or even restart script

Edited by boozer
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Sometimes the script will not withdraw runes and spam click npc contact when pouches degrade. When it does withdraw the runes it withdraws 3 airs instead of 2 and brings the 1 air rune on the following run. Giant pouch doesn't work at all. I'm lucky to get this script to run for more then an 1-2 hours without it idling out. Experiencing all of this doing Lavas.

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I'd say this bot is worth buying. Got 77 rc without any problems. BUT there are a few issues i came across while doing lava's;


- bot won't stop when you run out of earth runes, just idles;

- bot cant handle giant pouches, it Will just idle @ bank;

- when doing nature runes through abyss, The bot Will never take The quickest route in. Make it so you can enable mining and agility shortcuts, so it takes the fastest one possible (Will rly speed up rates);

- if you pause The bot for a bit to correct it and then continue, it starts to stress click. Example; clicks duelling multiple times so it teleports Like twice or thrice even.


hope this helps you out, i'd say 7/10 atm. But it got The job done. I'd highly recommend babysitting

Edited by lol123jer
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8 hours ago, Jacksonpm23 said:

Any remote guesses on the ban rate for the master/rusher function of the script?

Master: minimal to none; rusher/bot:probably a medium ban rate, would most likely be if being reported, no stats or anything boosted and the bot has multiple pathing options so shouldn't be E X A C T same path so should be fine man just make sure rusher isn't a high value account

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Hello @Czar,

I just tried out ZMI runecrafting. I've noticed that quite frequently when I finish a run crafting the runes and then teleporting back. The bot will have will sometimes have an issue getting to the ladder on the map and instead clicking to the right of it causing the player to run off the path to the ladder and go to where the hunters are hunting the salamanders. Another issue I found with ZMI crafting, the potions for run energy are not being withdrawn at any point even when checked to do so in the interface.

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On 31/07/2016 at 2:55 PM, Czar said:


Hey I have a question regarding how the 'master/worker' function works for Law runes.

I was wondering if all the 'workers' also have to have Troll Stronghold completed to have the Law talisman reward for this function to work? Or is there a setting to have the workers sit outside the altar waiting to trade?

Sorry if this has been asked/answered in the past. I tried to look through the pages to see if any comments referenced this, but there is quite a few.


Thanks in advance.

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