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Perfect Runecrafter AIO


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14 minutes ago, traybakes said:

how many hours a day would you say is safe to run  this bot- i do it 3-4 hours daily with no bans, was wondering if i could push it further on weekends i also do cosmic at the abyys

Abyss is sort of a medium-high population area, if you can find a good world I don't see why 3 hours is risky. I'd only do 3-4 hours if I do a farm run or something in-between botting sessions (anything legit, not botted). But try to break more than you bot, so 4-4.5 hours break, as well as the obligatory 7-8 hour sleep.

However my sweet spot is 1.5-2 hrs botted (varied) 2-3 hrs break (farm run in-between), no bans and I'm not budging from this strategy since it works so well for me. Yes some people say this is slow botting but slow & safe gets us further.

Also I highly recommend using the fairy ring/cw method for cosmics, it's a newer method and fewer people are botting that - worth a try!

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I'm using the ZMI method atm, and one thing i've noticed is when it goes to teleport back to the start, it will click mage book, then inventory, then mage book, then teleport everytime. Not sure if it's because i'm using a rune pouch but here's the log.

INFO][Bot #1][08/17  AM]: We've stopped moving!
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: animated! [-1]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: animated! [1816]
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: Lost item: Astral rune
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: Lost item: Law rune
[INFO][Bot #1][08/17 AM]: animated! [-1]


Edited by xFoxsta
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1 hour ago, iwinkz said:

Hi, would it be possible to get a trial of this?

Authed gl sir, please bot responsibly. Muds are good for profit, ZMI is good for early levels, and lavas is good for getting that sweet 99, be sure to take breaks and try not to bot too much in one login session. Lemme know if you need any more advice :D

@xFoxsta I will add some improvements for the magic spellbook now, thank you!! :D

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1 hour ago, spazumtart said:

Will you be adding Wrath runes? :D

It's already supported but hidden beta atm, we'll be releasing this for testers in the discord in the very near future

edit: disclaimer - it's not available in the bot as of this moment just to clarify for everyone

Edited by Czar
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