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Perfect Runecrafter AIO


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I figured out the issue. Two things, i really don't see the amount box, but if I just hit tab and hit 2 then tab it works. Also, if I get pk-ed does it know to grab new armor out of the bank? If not could that be added? Sorry for all the issues but i got killed within first 3 trips now that I have it working haha

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Glad you got it working, I will set a default to 2 food items in case the setup is not visible. I will also make changes to the setup window for users with larger resolutions, thanks for the feedback. :D

As for imbue, will do some test runs. Please make sure you are disabling spell filters, otherwise it will NOT cast the spell due to the changed interface. Right click your magic tab and click 'Disable spell filtering' and it will work.

As for script not working, you must configure it properly, please state what you are trying to runecraft I will help ASAP :D

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On 12/21/2018 at 10:25 AM, Czar said:

Will check out staminas for ZMI.

As for lavas, have you tried making the zoom distance to far away (maximum far away)? This is a good way to reduce ban rates too, at the same time making all scripts more stable.

I will be running some tests for both, and adding updates asap :D

As for 23 fps, are you running low cpu mode on the osbot client? Also, please screenshot your exact script setup settings, I will try the same settings and see if there's an issue. Also, how much memory did you assign to osbot?


I know you are busy. Just checking in on stamina support for ZMI. 



PS. loving all your scripts. 


e/ if this helps at all one thing I noticed is that if I put a stamina in the inventory manually the bot will drink it when below my desired run %. However it will not take it out from bank. Specifically it will drink the entire stamina pot not just take 1 sip. 


e/ it will also do it with super energy even though I have stamina selected in the settings. (I manually took a super restore out when below the run % and it full drank it. 

Edited by bobbdylann
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Just want to say first, you're my favorite script builder. All the scripts I bought from you are perfect so far. Totally looking into getting this script so I can make a couple of bot accounts to trade my main for lava runes. Is there any way I can get a trial to see how that works? If not that's fine, I'll probably be getting it anyways.

Edit: Also wondering, how does Jagex react to trading bot accounts for runes? Is there any way to really prove it's your accounts (if they aren't linked together at all) My main is 2050+ total so I don't want to risk it.

Edited by Pain Killer
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New Update (v97)

- Walking to altars task - improved: bot now walks to altars better
- (Lavas) Earth runes are now withdrawn if user hasn't already set it up. 
- (Ourania) altar staminas patched
- (Ourania) banking procedure (choose runes) patched
- (Abyss) deathwalking update: bot will now grab all
- (Abyss) auto-repair at X interval added: bot will now continuously repair pouches at the mage every X trips to prevent them from degrading 
needs further testing
- (Abyss) food amount default set to: 2

Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys :D

As for karamja, yes the bot does un-note in the general store if you have selected the option in the setup window.

As for master/worker accounts, I haven't heard of any bans since you are not botting on your main, however if you are concerned, try a test run on a less important account accepting all the runes, see how it goes :D

Activated all trials good luck everyone :)

Edited by Czar
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Would it be possible to add an option to bank using amulet of glory for Law Runecrafting? or atleast make it walk to the Pest Control bank. And thought id mention that when using workers for Law Rune running the bots dont drink stamina potions, iv tried all kinds of different doses and conditions but they dont want to drink any for some reason.
After testing it some more i noticed every now and then the bot will get confused and try to walk to Canafis after its done getting off Entrana (monks peaceful island). No idea why tho. If the glory method is added and stamina usage is fixed this good be very good to bot for gp and xp.

Also while using the master/worker feature for lava rune crafting i noticed that the after clicking accept on the 2nd trade window the worker bot just teleport away instead of waiting for u to accept, though if u click fast enough u can get it before it teleports. Besides that lava rune running works like a charm.

Edited by redman12
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On 1/6/2019 at 3:55 AM, Czar said:

New Update (v97)

- Walking to altars task - improved: bot now walks to altars better
- (Lavas) Earth runes are now withdrawn if user hasn't already set it up. 
- (Ourania) altar staminas patched
- (Ourania) banking procedure (choose runes) patched
- (Abyss) deathwalking update: bot will now grab all
- (Abyss) auto-repair at X interval added: bot will now continuously repair pouches at the mage every X trips to prevent them from degrading 
needs further testing
- (Abyss) food amount default set to: 2

Update will automatically go live within 24 hours, good luck guys :D

As for karamja, yes the bot does un-note in the general store if you have selected the option in the setup window.

As for master/worker accounts, I haven't heard of any bans since you are not botting on your main, however if you are concerned, try a test run on a less important account accepting all the runes, see how it goes :D

Activated all trials good luck everyone :)

Did you ever encounter a bug with stamina pots where if the person has bank holders that are (I have all doses of stamina pots and I just caught the bot standing in the bank hovering over my grayed out 1 dose stamina probably thinking that is a potion it can click but when I tried to move the mouse it moved it back to hovering over that 1 dose that isn't in my bank). Does this mean the bot cannot work with placeholders?


Also I tried out ZMI for the first time and I clicked "bank holders/fillers" and every time it banks, it just spams the deposit inventory and keeps clicking it even though I have bank fillers on so that it can't deposit every thing like my rune pouch/earth runes (for payment) and my 2 pouches but it will still try to deposit them???? Is the option meant that i have the bank placeholder of those items and the bot deposits everything then retakes everything out of the bank again every single run? If that is the case, then that is really bot like and detectable and I doubt that was the intention with that option? Would like some help on how to set up the ZMI properly on a main

Edited by Xanthippie
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9 hours ago, Xanthippie said:

Did you ever encounter a bug with stamina pots where if the person has bank holders that are (I have all doses of stamina pots and I just caught the bot standing in the bank hovering over my grayed out 1 dose stamina probably thinking that is a potion it can click but when I tried to move the mouse it moved it back to hovering over that 1 dose that isn't in my bank). Does this mean the bot cannot work with placeholders?


Also I tried out ZMI for the first time and I clicked "bank holders/fillers" and every time it banks, it just spams the deposit inventory and keeps clicking it even though I have bank fillers on so that it can't deposit every thing like my rune pouch/earth runes (for payment) and my 2 pouches but it will still try to deposit them???? Is the option meant that i have the bank placeholder of those items and the bot deposits everything then retakes everything out of the bank again every single run? If that is the case, then that is really bot like and detectable and I doubt that was the intention with that option? Would like some help on how to set up the ZMI properly on a main

Runepouch is not supported that is your issue. 


Currently running ZMI... 

Astral / Law / Earth / Large pouch / med pouch is my inv. 

Placeholders on. 

Only issue i incounter is for some random ass reason when it clicks to go back down the ladder it as an issue with clicking to bank and just sits there and keeps getting an error. @czar this is just like what I had in a previous post on here. If you need the log again lmk. 


Otherwise stams are working perf. :) 




here is the log of the banking error. happens roughly every 2-6 runs. 


[ERROR][Bot #1][01/11 10:16:46 PM]: Error executing event : org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent@41e960
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -10925
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.NPCS.getLocalNPC(dn:178)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.getEntitiesOnCursor(tj:401)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.isOnCursor(tj:65)
    at org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.EntityDestination.evaluate(pg:286)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent.IIIIiiiiIIii(zi:185)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.InteractionEvent.execute(zi:349)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(le:246)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(le:171)
    at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Character.interact(pl:464)
    at b.b.a.CON.a(vc:80)
    at b.b.nul.G(dd:8)
    at b.aUx.onLoop(gd:41)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bp:22)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][01/11 10:16:46 PM]:  .. failed!
[INFO][Bot #1][01/11 10:16:46 PM]: Attempting to open bank via Eniola...
[INFO][Bot #1][01/11 10:16:47 PM]:  .. failed!

Edited by bobbdylann
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@Czar  I'm loving this update FYI. ZMI is very nice aside from the banking issue. however not a huge deal as I babysit. 


I am trying out Lava Runes again. With Earth tailsman it works flawless. 

I do have a question when using imbue. 

I am using Large and Med pouch. It does the inv of ess perf. Then withdrawels the pouches. Stalls. Trys to make lava runes without imbue active. Re-casts imbue. Stalls. And 1/4 times it still doesn't make the lavas in time. Thus casting imbue a 3rd time to finally do it. I've played around with reaction time which I found it best at 100ms. However still run into the imbue issue. Which isn't that big of a deal but just wanted your thoughts on it. Is it in there like that due to make it more human like? or what are your thoughts . 


Thanks again <3 

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