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Tutorial Island Completer v1.0 [+Other Features]


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Tutorial island completer v1.0



Have a new account, start bot, select what you want in the GUI, click start smile.png



- Reliable

- Gives random appearance

- Can be started anywhere (but must be close to npc)

- Can train at chickens or walk to GE when done.

- Paint with runtime and settings will be shown



- There might be a bug in what happens after tutorial island (it's not thoroughly tested tbh)


Please request additional features








Go to C:\Users\YourUserName\OSBot\Scripts, place the .jar in there, start bot

Edited by xabdullahx
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  On 6/19/2016 at 5:29 PM, Harry said:

Very nice, reading through the code, it looks nice. :- )


I think the structure i came up with, works pretty nice, its easy to add new functions, debug errors, and i pretty much have control of everything that happens all the time. It is inspired by the Task structure


The gui stuff is a bit messy, it was added quickly, minutes before release

Edited by xabdullahx
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  On 6/19/2016 at 6:30 PM, Auron said:

Dude I'm literally developing a VERY similar thing hahaha. At the moment it does exactly this. I'm planning on adding loads of other things though :/

Good job with the tut island, I know how annoying it can be.


Hehe, well, it's a good start to learning the osbot API, unfortunately, some methods do not work as intended in tutorial island. If you need help, i can provide it :)

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  On 6/19/2016 at 6:42 PM, xabdullahx said:

Hehe, well, it's a good start to learning the osbot API, unfortunately, some methods do not work as intended in tutorial island. If you need help, i can provide it smile.png


Haha, yeah man I know all your troubles. Thanks for the offer, but I've finished now lol. But it would be good to hear your opinion on some things. In particular clicking continue on interactions, wow that was fun to get around. Also I noticed the way your of deciding which step you were on is a bit hacky. I used the progression bar widget to see which step I was on. Here's my method:

	private int getState() {
		for (int i = 1; i < 21; i++) {
			if (s.widgets.get(371, i) != null && s.widgets.get(371, i).getTextColor() == 0) {
				if (debug) s.log("Getting state" + (i - 1));
				return i - 1;
		return -1;
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  On 6/19/2016 at 6:55 PM, Sean001 said:

Testing this now. Looks awesome smile.png


Great :)! Cant wait to hear what you think.

Also, make sure to download the latest version, i've updated it just now

  On 6/19/2016 at 7:02 PM, Auron said:


Haha, yeah man I know all your troubles. Thanks for the offer, but I've finished now lol. But it would be good to hear your opinion on some things. In particular clicking continue on interactions, wow that was fun to get around. Also I noticed the way your of deciding which step you were on is a bit hacky. I used the progression bar widget to see which step I was on. Here's my method:

	private int getState() {
		for (int i = 1; i < 21; i++) {
			if (s.widgets.get(371, i) != null && s.widgets.get(371, i).getTextColor() == 0) {
				if (debug) s.log("Getting state" + (i - 1));
				return i - 1;
		return -1;


Using the progress bar is a good idea, when i started the bot, i didnt know about widgets and what they could do. so, instead, i look for npcs around me and determine where i am. Progressbar is definitely a good way to do it!



I made these two methods for checking if "click here to continue" is available:

public boolean getPendingContinuation(){
return getScript().getWidgets().get(231,2) != null || getScript().getWidgets().get(193,2) != null || getScript().getWidgets().get(217,2) != null || getScript().getWidgets().get(229,1) != null || getScript().getWidgets().get(11,3) != null;
public boolean getOtherPendingContinuation(){
    return getScript().getWidgets().get(162,33) != null;

Also, these methods, i made before knowing that i could check getMessage to see if it contains the text i want ("click here to continue"). But they work great, and is a great way around getDialogue.getPendingContinuation().


The getOtherPendingContinuation() detects that other message that has bold text and the click here to continue is a bit further up

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  On 6/19/2016 at 7:02 PM, Auron said:


Haha, yeah man I know all your troubles. Thanks for the offer, but I've finished now lol. But it would be good to hear your opinion on some things. In particular clicking continue on interactions, wow that was fun to get around. Also I noticed the way your of deciding which step you were on is a bit hacky. I used the progression bar widget to see which step I was on. Here's my method:

	private int getState() {
		for (int i = 1; i < 21; i++) {
			if (s.widgets.get(371, i) != null && s.widgets.get(371, i).getTextColor() == 0) {
				if (debug) s.log("Getting state" + (i - 1));
				return i - 1;
		return -1;


The best way to determine progress is using configs. There is a config for every quest including Tutorial Island. The value of that config changes for each stage of the quest. So your code would just look like:

switch (getConfigs().get(SOME_CONFIG_ID)) {
    case 0:
        // do something
    case 10:
        // do something else
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  On 6/19/2016 at 8:17 PM, Explv said:


The best way to determine progress is using configs. There is a config for every quest including Tutorial Island. The value of that config changes for each stage of the quest. So your code would just look like:

switch (getConfigs().get(SOME_CONFIG_ID)) {
    case 0:
        // do something
    case 10:
        // do something else

Yeah I saw that comment on your tutorial island thread, but by that time I already had the Widget thing, and I thought it was pretty inventive so I stuck with. Basically the same thing so works either way :P the progression bar more than likely works off those configs. Don't take this away from me Explv D:

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