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Found 18 results

  1. Welcome to Zuzel111's Fire Cape service! What makes my service THE BEST ✔ Fast Delivery ✔ Cheap Prices ✔ The most trusted service ✔ Low stats requirements ✔ Great Customer service ✔ Livechat support at www.sparta.rs ✔ PayPal / Credit & Debit card / 07GP / RS3 GP/ Bitcoin accepted ✔ 100% Positive Osbot feedback (280+) and Sponsor Order now at www.Sparta.Rs ! Join our Discord Server It's worth to mention, my activity isn't limited just to Osbot, just google "Zuzel111 Fire Cape" Never got banned for Fire Cape service Over the years my service completed over 100,000 Oldschool Fire Capes including over 5000 Fire capes without prayer! I'm owner of company registered for RuneScape / Virtual goods I own my own Fire Caping website - www.sparta.rs with 3 capers ready to go! That means, you surely wont find more reliable service than my own. Contact information: ~~~------> zuzel@sparta.rs <-----~~~ ~~~-----> spartars (click to add) <----~~~ ~~~-----> live:zuzel14 <----~~~ NEVER TRADE WITHOUT PM. There are TONS of impersonators! ORDER FORM: Ranged level Defence level HP & Pray levels: Have you added my skype? Terms of service: You may not share account with any friends while I'm doing your cape. Pass has to be set to temporarily one. If I fail your fire cape due to ANY reason, there are NO additional costs for further attempt(s). We are not responsible for rollbacks/mutes/bans during and after service. You have to change your password straigh after I tell you cape is completed and you may login You may not login on account while I'm working on it or change password. We have 24hours to complete any cape. However most of them are started straigh away Payment is refundable BEFORE order is STARTED ToS of OSBot services still applies. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/55805-global-osbot-terms-of-service-must-read/ buy Fire cape oldschool Fire cape service no overheads prayerless prayless 1-31 prayer hardcore ultimate ironman 1 defence pure spartars sparta rs Some previously completed capes in spoiler below
  2. Selling 14D Membership codes, Best prices in the Market. 1-30=2$ 30-70= 1.8$ 70+=Contact @"7star3559" for best Price Quotation in the market Cheap prices Instant Delivery Multiple Payment methods Search us on Discord by: 7star3559
  3. Payment methods: Paypal, Revolut, Skrill, Paysera, BTC Discord: Dollar99#1429 (COPY-PASTE) (ID: 312549534490296320) Skype: Deizyra
  4. Sup im kinda new. Im a oldschool botter, forgot everything. I hope to interact with you guys!
  5. Selling 500m 07 via skrill/btc for 0.45$/m New stock : 1200m Discord : bloo#3061
  6. Stock: Message for info - Restocks every few days Accepted Payment: Crypto Only - Preferably Coinbase for instant transfer Preferred coin is USD Coin, but will accept most Non-Coinbase payments will require confirmations to pass I will not go first Bulk Incentives available: 400m+ = $0.02/m off Discord: Failed4life#3370 Unique ID: 162656616380891136 Comment your Discord name after adding my Discord!
  7. LIKE THIS POST TO SHOW SUPPORT SUGGESTIONS AND HATERS WELCOME STARTING STATS / CURRENT STATS / GOAL ?QUEST 58 / 82 / 176 ?️ 56 ATTACK / 70 / 70 ? 64 STRENGTH / 72 / 99 ?️ 58 DEFENCE / 70 / 70 60 HITPOINTS / 69 / 99 ?44 Magic / 52 / 94 16 PRAYER / 56 / 70 ?SCRIPTS I WILL BE USING: PERFECT FIGHTER ?PERFECT MAGIC AIO? STEALTH QUESTER ?️FRUITY NMZ?️ RAGNARS WARRIOR GUILD WILDY PRAYER Perfect Runecrafter Khal Pest Control SUPPORTER LIST: @Fich420 @YoooJosh @terpderp 2/11/2019 2/12/2019 2/13/2019 UPDATES 2/16/2019 RAN OUT OF $ WILL BE DOING PERFECT ZMI 2/20/2019 2/22/2019 2/23/2019 LONG BREAK
  8. Current Status: OFFLINE I am looking for a position for OldSchool F2P Power Leveling. I would like to mention that I live in the East Coast, and I speak fluent English, and I do all the training by hand. I am very eager to train peoples accounts for a cheap price. The reason why I will charge a cheap price is because I am new on here, I don't have a high post count, and I don't have a high enough feedback. (This making me not trust able.) This is the solution to fix this: Don't give me your bank pin. ( If you don't have a bank pin just remove all but the item(s) I need to train with.) We can use a Middle Man ( I will pay for fees.) I will give you an update on your account with a screenshot every hour on the hour. ( I play roughly 6-15 hours a day. ) With 10 years of playing Runescape as a F2P Player I learned all the fastest and efficient methods to train accounts. It's just fun, It's more of a challenge for me, this making me feel more rewarding. So what do you say? Add me on Discord to talk! RaydenMagik#8696
  9. Selling o7 gold for $.70 per 1m. Bulk buyers encouraged . Current stock : 450m Skype: on my profile
  10. Selling 400m 07 gold for $.90/1mil . Via Paypal . hit me up.
  11. Dutch Mills - Cheapest Rs07 On Osbot 100M+ € 0,93- per Mill 0-100M € 0,95- per Mill Currently we only accept payments from IDEAL (Dutch banktransfer). BTC, BCC, Ethereum and LCC payments are accepted aswell. We're always fully stocked and online monday to sunday, from 12:00 to 00:00 GMT + 1 Message us on skype; live:info.rsgainz (click the button below to add us) OR you can message our discord; DutchMills#8040
  12. TrenchGold OFFERING BEST RATES! We are always online! Most of the Time Full Stock! Instant Delivery! Best Rates! NO ID! Contact us: Livechat Discord: [REMOVED FOR ADVERTISEMENT] Skype: entranagold
  13. TrenchGold OFFERING BEST RATES! We are always online! Buying Most of the Time! Best Rates! Contact us: Livechat Discord: [Removed] Skype: Entranagold Paying with: PayPal, BitCoin
  14. Amount needed : 75m-100m Price : Please quote and drop down here Payment method: PP, Skrill, BTC (depends as BTC ATM machine is kinda far from my place) THANKS !
  15. Hello OSBot today I've decided to begin a small farm of fresh tutorial island accounts While I spend some time around the forums and starting my own small/personal farm I've decided that I'll be making fresh accounts on the side. These will be used for my own farm and the rest will be stored for later uses. I always find myself bored even while playing 2 accounts so I thought it wouldn't be difficult to me to play through a few accs on the side at all times, all of these accounts will be hand-created and completion of tutorial island will be done by hand then stored into a notepad. This isn't gonna be done on a big scale as it isn't my main focus. edit: small break in operations, wont be home for around week so ill be back on it when im home ACCOUNTS CREATED: 20 ACCOUNTS FINISHED TUT ISLAND: 20 ACCOUNTS WITH 7 QP: 0 ACCOUNTS BANNED/LOCKED: 6+ DAY 1
  16. Ladies and gentlemen of the internet, I bring you good news today. The OSBot BETA will be going public tomorrow at 8 - 10PM EDT. We've decided we do not need any more delays although I do put emphasis on the word BETA! Features that will be fixed from private BETA: No more high-CPU usage (We've implemented a smarter model caching system) Configs have been added as well as the onConfig callback. currentTab() will have been fixed. Login issues will have been fixed. Account manager will have been added. Ground item support Secondary object support Again I can't stress this enough, the BETA is for fixing bugs and testing the new features. Our development team is dedicated and will have the bot fully nearly fully functional within a week. Thanks, Sincerely The OSBot Team. P.S. I'ed like to thank all the trial and official script developers for your support durring the private BETA. You guys are a big asset to this community and I hope you'll inspire other people as well. I have to say, we have some of the best script developers in the botting community!
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