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Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. Hi, I am running a young entreprenurs company with a few friends irl and we are demanding someone who can create a logo for us. We are going to sell beerglass and are calling ourselves "Bearglas" hence the logo is suppose to be a happy brown bear holding a glass cheerfully. I can give you more details if you are interested. We can only pay with paypal/moneybookers or other services requiring credit card, thus no 07gp.
  2. Will you please log into skype so I can get my bond that I bought?

    1. ImMoney


      I have to charge the device that gives me internet I will be back in 5 mins and ur online at osbot so I hope u will be online at skype by then so I can get my bond..

    2. RoomScape


      You aren't responding on skype again. :I

  3. obv. cuz he bought lifetime spons.. U feel reget for 10$ now? lol sec ago u wanted to donate 100$.. get ur shit together
  4. Indeed the should've just fixed osbot 1, cuz osbot 2 is shit to the bone
  5. Hello folks, I'm just sitting here and philosophizes about the world, and the future. Simple and quick question, or no not simple at all forget that, but how do you think the planet as we know it today, earth, will look like in 50 years? You see all these news about the potential disasters that could happend in the future, but for most of us it feels to unreal to reflect any further on the subject. Please take a sec and think about it, and post what you think. I think, or I may even say that I'm pretty sure that something big is going to happend, that is going to change the way we are living, considering the facts that we are running on limited fuel atm and without a solution we will have to change the way we live, drastically.
  6. The lyrics is good, yea you should defintely post videos
  7. Breaks really doesn't work?? How come? It's like the most important thing if you want to bot? I choose script and I won't get this regular popup window asking me which account I want to use in order to active the breaks? How can anyone bot without breaks, what is going on or am I doing it all wrong? 2.2.3
  8. Damaro_ COD Ghosts Multiplayer
  9. Immediately, as stated above, in order for more free scripts etc. to come to osbot 2, osbot 1 must DIE.
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