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  1. Are you able to make a simple script for pumping at blast furnace? It would require being able to check whether you're using the pump and every 3-4.5 mins executing a single keystroke to shift the camera slightly and reset 5 min auto logout timer.
  2. botting123

    Fruity NMZ

    Mirror mode with 2.4.149 I can't even launch the script anymore. Empty log naturally. [INFO][Bot #1][01/03 01:14:47 AM]: Terminating script FruityNMZ v2... [INFO][Bot #1][01/03 01:14:47 AM]: Script FruityNMZ v2 has exited!
  3. Okay I figured out what happened. For whatever reason halfway through dropping the inv of ores, the last ore got selected and the bot was clicking the rocks with the ore selected hence the nothing interesting happens message. I'm not sure why it failed to drop the ore or it would try to use an ore on a rock but it would be a very good idea to put a check in that if that happens to reset the cursor. I'm not sure how long it would have kept trying to click on the rocks with the ore selected I wasn't interested in finding out. However I assume at some point it must correct itself because scrolling through the in game log you can see it happens occasionally.
  4. So I decided to try it in injection mode and sure enough it works. I watched it for the first 10 mins or so and it seemed to be working flawlessly, my only complaint being it was probably a bit too fast. However I did notice something strange about 1.5 hours in after I randomly checked in on it. It was trying to mine rocks and it was clicking them and it was just saying "nothing interesting happens". At first I thought maybe my pickaxe had broke but that anti bot event is no longer in the game. I scrolled up in the chat log and sure enough in between successful mining there were messages "nothing interesting happens" or "there is no longer ore available in this rock". Any idea on why this would happen? In particular the first one with the "nothing interesting happens". I stopped the script when I saw it clicked once or two on the rocks myself and nothing happened and then suddenly it just started mining normally again. Is this some anti bot shenanigans?
  5. Unreliability in what sense? If you aren't resizing your client it shouldn't have any issues.
  6. botting123

    Fruity NMZ

    @Fruity Is it possible to randomize how quickly it sips the overdose and prevent it from running back to the centre every time it grabs a boost? It looks suspect when you are always potting the exact moment your overdose runs out and by running back to the centre each time zapper often ends up not reaching all the targets.
  7. Fair enough. Any suggestion in regards to: Idles around for long periods in "loot only when out of combat mode" not doing anything just sitting around before finally reassuming combat again. Meanwhile if I don't click in any of the boxes (like loot only when out of combat) it simply doesn't do anything. All I wanted it to do is attack "Abyssal demon" and loot certain items. I was planning to refill prayer manually every couple mins but even that isn't possible.
  8. Any plans to add potion support? Would like to use on my pure but need to be able to keep up protection prayer. edit: Idles around for long periods in "loot only when out of combat mode" not doing anything just sitting around before finally reassuming combat again. Meanwhile if I don't click in any of the boxes (like loot only when out of combat) it simply doesn't do anything. All I wanted it to do is attack "Abyssal demon" and loot certain items. I was planning to refill prayer manually every couple mins but even that isn't possible. Any suggestions?
  9. I'm nervous about going stealth injection since I got temp banned a month ago.
  10. Yes although with " After the GUI (startup interface) shows up, enable human input (Settings>[uncheck] disable input)" I'm assuming you aren't talking about the GUI script nor the OS Bot options because neither one have any such option. However at the top of the client near the play/pause/stop buttons you have a picture of a keyboard&mouse which you cycle through to allow input. Other then that everything is done as explained.
  11. Doesn't work for me. Using it in the exact spot your screenshot is with the rocks in the exact order you have them. (mirror mode) It doubles click occasionally for no reason, it will mine an ore and click it again when there is no iron available, it will wait for the respawn on a rock even when the other two ones are available. As it stands right now definitely unusable and will get you banned for sure.
  12. botting123

    Fruity NMZ

    @Fruity Is power surge not supported? And is it possible to adjust how quickly you take the overdose? Instead of taking it immediately having it vary by 1-10 seconds? Is there a way to get it not to run back to the centre after clicking a powerup it looks super suspect? Also if you move too far away from it then zapper isnt even hitting all the targets. Are you able to just make it log out after you leave area instead of awkwardly running to bank and standing against the wall?
  13. botting123

    Fruity NMZ

    Would be interested in trial before purchasing because of the mixed responses.
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