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  1. can i get a trail czar ? got more scripts from you
  2. fock i was on holiday... can i try it out just want to see if its that good before i buy
  3. run 10 minnions 3 hours a day 8 hour break. took me 6 days to get to lvl 76 hunter for chinning. 8 bans, 2 survivors soo overall top!!! if you take more breaks and random more then you can get goldminnios for sure. gz to script. one point, they interval antiban timer doesnt work. but the antiban pattern works just fine. but you can't choose thet timer youself. big isseu if you have more acc on same client/script. keep it up
  4. i want to try this one out czar
  5. hee czar i would like to speak to you about private scripts. hope to hear from you...


  6. czar is there comming an apdate for the blackjack method?
  7. czar could i try it out, thanks
  8. first time i bought a script before i tested it with a free trail and im not pleased with it. script dind't run.... he standing only at the chest in castle wars banking the dual ring. script dont give error but dont work. ps. works only in basic altar mode, but the walk pattern is soo slow and no good anti ban. first time i dont like your script... maybe you could help. ps. other scripts i like from you;)
  9. benji21

    Fruity NMZ

    hee fruity could i get a free trail, just want to test it for i purchase it
  10. run it for half a day from 55/69! Thanks mennn works fine.... ps. i hopped worlds myself and afkd being my one antiban;)
  11. could i try this one too czar?
  12. can i try this script too czar?
  13. could i try this script for 24 hours? please let me know. greetz
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