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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Not going to beat a dead horse with what I have been doing and why; so here you have the next iteration of an OSBot interface re-write. Finally only the main client interface remains. If you notice I totally dropped the script browser and made it into a simple script selector. Upon further investigation you'll see that the mvc sdn page was added back to the forum navbar. If you are a true detective, you'll also uncover that the ugly "Free Scripts" product in the store for $999 is gone. Why all of this? User experience and simplicity. Even with all the FAQs, notices, and instructions, new botters were having a hard time operating OSBot. On that same note I've made a few small changes to how the bot is operated which you will notice quickly. Please note the SDN page is recycled from the old design and heavily modded. At some point I do plan on making a proper design for it, don't shoot me just yet. Changelog: -Rewrote Script Selector --Removed Script Browser --Dropped various supporting classes -Script function buttons require an active bot tab -Removed redundant items from bot tabs -Custom local random event support dropped --RandomManager returns empty random collection -Updated SDN page --Work in progress - very experimental Version 2.3.134 -Removed Resizable random from Mirror Mode -Various internal changes
  2. Alek

    SDN Issues

    I'm still working on the SDN page, you should be using the script browser in the client as of now.
  3. Alek


    Sorry to see you leave, if you ever want to talk I'm always in the Chatbox.
  4. Why is the first reaction to anything going wrong is immediately reinstalling your operating system and replacing your motherboard? Right-Click Desktop > Personalize > Display Try adjusting the different sizes to see if this makes a difference. Let me know if that fixed your issue.
  5. Do you have the link? Closed.
  6. Alek

    Rhodry's Gallery

    I like the colors a lot, not sure how well it matches as our forum banner unfortunately. Regardless, never knew you were good with graphics.
  7. The transparency on the original characters were perfect, but I did notice your edit.
  8. VAG This is really nice. Edit: Could you perhaps make it a little more seamless, I can see the light effect getting cut off at the end of the image. Ayebud for your own reference It has a nice style but it kind of interferes with the OSBot logo.
  9. I'm looking to replace the default scrolling banner with something RS related. http://osbot.org/forum/public/style_images/animate/banner_bg.jpg Please keep it the same dimensions and seamless. Best result will most likely have a permanent graphic here on the forums for thousands of users to see every day. I'll try working your name into some credits if so desired.
  10. What are the system requirements to run OSBot? -512MB RAM -Java 8 or higher -Windows 7+, OSX+, Ubuntu 12+, or other latest Linux distributions What are the requirements to run Mirror Mode? -1024MB RAM -Dual Core CPU -Java 8 or higher -Windows 7+, OSX (10.6+), Ubuntu 14+, or other latest Linux distributions -OSBot VIP membership Does OSBot have free scripts? Yes, you can find a full list of scripts (including free scripts) on the Scripts page. How do I start a script? 1. Log into the client using your username and password from the forums 2. Click "Add Bot" to add a new Runescape tab to the client 3. Click on the green play button in the upper-left hand corner of the client 4. Select the script you would like to use from the script selector 5. Click on the "Start" button Is OSBot free to use? Yes, you may run up to two bots for free. There are free scripts available to choose from without time limitations. What are the Command-Line arguments? To view the Command-Line arguments, visit the forum index and under the right-hand side you will see the "Advanced User Panel". The link to the most current commands are listed there.
  11. There's a few people that have similar issues with Windows 8+ with higher resolutions, I'm going to do a little research and see what I can come up with.
  12. Resolution? How many screens?
  13. Keeping it in line with the hover widget debugger (R, +, ++).
  14. I've finally had a breather to start working a bit on OSBot again. Although I have no enjoyment out of making new interfaces, it's part of my plan to strip the quickly aging Netbeans auto-generated code from our client. As it currently stands, the only interfaces that are left are the Script Browser and Client interface itself; both of which I have very special plans for. Anyways, test out the new widget debugger and let me know how you like/dislike it.
  15. I'm removing it, it really doesn't belong in the API.
  16. If moderators are taking down local scripts for a reason other than malicious code, make sure I find out about it.
  17. Respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it. You are then comparing two NPCs, which is more of an expensive check than null (not by very much). The only situation where I can see this being "alright" is sitting in a single area waiting for something with a fast respawn rate. If you are sitting at KBD (long respawn), you could be doing other tasks (maybe some anti-ban crap). Above all this would break way too many scripts because you are talking about all entities that this would affect (widgets, ground items, inventory, objects, npcs, etc).
  18. Alright, here is a reasonable example of why you want to have control: Monster X is found in two regions, Region A and Region B. NPC monsterX = getNPCs().closest("Monster X"); if(monsterX != null) monsterX.interact("Attack"); else if (regionB.contains(myPlayer()) walk(new Path(regionA)) Not using null checks: getNPCs().closest("Monster X").interact("Attack"); //Does nothing, doesn't go to a different region Not using null checks with region switching: NPC monsterX = getNPCs().closest("Monster X"); if(!monsterX.getPosition.equals(new Position(-1, -1, 0)) //See where I'm going with this? monsterX.interact("Attack") else if (regionB.contains(myPlayer()) walk(new Path(regionA)); You could do some hard spaghetti crap and make booleans for new NPC instances, but that's a hundred times worse than returning null. It's totally fine for scripters to do this because you guys know exactly what to expect from the behavior of your script. From our standpoint, this would be a nightmare.
  19. There were a few performance concerns, here is a pretty good article that also details a bit of sequential vs parallel: https://jaxenter.com/java-performance-tutorial-how-fast-are-the-java-8-streams-118830.html The larger overlying issue was the API. It's hard enough to get scripters to change an import for a new area class, yet alone scrapping our entire filter system. At the end of the day, we didn't feel as if the functionality (or performance for that matter) would be worth the complete rewrite.
  20. Because you are wrapping around InteractionEvent and then added checks to your method which already exist. None of the checks you have are really necessary, perhaps this is a documentation issue? private org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC child; public NPC(OmniScript script, org.osbot.rs07.api.model.NPC n) { super(script); child = n; } @Override public boolean interact(String... interactions) { if (!exists() || !isAlive()) return false; if (!hasAction(interactions)) return false; if (!child.isVisible()) getCamera().toEntity(child); return child.interact(interactions); Also you might want to check into why we didn't switch filters over to streams after we upgraded to Java 8. Edit: Not trying to pick on you, I dislike Lemons API even more.
  21. The client will output a message in the logger saying how long you will bot before logging out. Can you post the log?
  22. I removed setting memory allocation from the booter and made it an arg for a reason.
  23. If you were using a script on the SDN you are safe. If you were using a local script please report the topic as suspicious and I will perform a code review.
  24. It's working, I'm betting that you are running mirror mode.
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