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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Adding methods like gRandom and moveMouseRandomly were a mistake. Explv answered your question.
  2. Java uses pass-by-value whereas in a lower-level language like C++ you can pass-by-reference or value. So if you had created an object you could pass around a pointer to that object which is only 4 bytes (32-bit), whereas in Java you would have to pass the object itself which could be much larger (afaik Java would do a deep copy). This is where some of the benefits of using a lower level language come in. C++: Object* p = new Object(); //p is only 4 bytes, the actual object is stored somewhere in memory function(Object* obj) //Accepts a pointer of Obj Maybe this helps you make sense of pointers a bit.
  3. Added the battle system, see the OP for more details @TheWind - It's a completely online game, right now it's just running over localhost.
  4. Wont quite bug it out, but it will just fail.
  5. To start OSBot through command-line, open up terminal/cmd on your operating system. Ensure your working directory in command-line is at the location where your OSBot jar is located. For instance if you are on Windows and the jar is on your Desktop, then you must type "cd Desktop" first. For instance: If you are looking to only start OSBot through command-line to see detailed output, please use the following snippet: java -jar "osbot 2.4.145.jar" -debug 5005 You must edit the information inside the quotes to what your jar file is named. If you are in the wrong directory or you typed in an incorrect filename, you will get an error: "Error: Unable to access jarfile osbot 2.4.145.jar".
  6. Lowresource removes it, cant think of anywhere else that the paint is removed.
  7. If the virus is already destroying your computer with bloat (which I don't particularly believe), you might as well wipe the thing. Otherwise I can see your "requesting self ban" request in 2 months if you don't. Also don't torrent antivirus, or torrent anything for that matter. MBAM + WD for me, I only really visit OSBot, Stack Overflow, and MSDN docs.
  8. I've had pure accounts for over 10 years, never trust anyone with your pure. You never know any accidental prayer or def exp they can get which will ruin your entire account. Wait for a mod to take a gander at this.
  9. You sold the same script 3 times for $400 and tried to pass it off as unique script. The offer was for partial refunds so you could at least keep some of the money for the hard work you did do. You told me you didn't try selling the script to anyone else but you did sell it to MattchuPichu and attempted to sell it to k9thebeast. You're a disgusting person for lying to the only person that could help you and for lying to your customers.
  10. Also if you guys want to offer a lower percentage or some other counter-offer please PM me in chatbox first @MattchuPichu and @CMDrake.
  11. @CMDrake, @Montana of 300, and @MattchuPichu please post on this thread what option you decide to take. If you decide to take Option 2, please post when the transaction is complete. Additionally, as of now @House cannot sell or make any new private scripts for the period of one month. If the private scripts he has remain supported for at least a month (out of his three months), he can go back to making private scripts. You get to keep Scripter I; I was really borderline about it.
  12. You lied to me, I asked you if you tried selling this script to anyone else and you said no. In fact you sold the script before to MattchuPichu and you tried selling it again to k9thebeast. From what I can tell you sold the script 3 times at $120-$140, then tried selling it a fourth time. Looking at the obfuscated code, much of the code is recycled. If you are telling me that changing the order of how inventory items are dropped is worth $120, it's not. Looking at version 1.1 and version 1.3 of HHerbs, both are pretty much the same script yet alone them being marked as "unique" to two different people. Let's keep CMDrake out of this completely, the script I see between Montana and MattchuPichu is almost identical. In the end I feel like you are not telling me the truth. If you came to me and said "The core of the script is the same but the following is different: 1. ConditionalSleep times 2. The pattern of dropping inventory items 3. The mouse movement 4. Reaction times I sold similar scripts to 3 members, but I felt that they were different enough to be considered unique". I would have sided with you and been more lenient. Instead you told me that they were different and you didn't try selling a similar script. You sold 3 of the same script and tried selling it a fourth time, which is against our rules. In the future be completely up-front with information and do not try and mitigate any information.
  13. Oh so you think you know more than me? I'm actually looking at the source you sent MattchuPichu and Montana of 300. They look pretty identical, even with them being two different versions.
  14. You know what, tell me which obfuscated classes are different, I'll look at it myself. I have 3 different decompiled sources.
  15. What part? Describe it before I completely lose my patience because I'm at a tipping point right now. You said before the way it drops items, now you are saying the way it interacts with the world. Be specific.
  16. This is ridiculous, I keep asking you specific questions and you keep not replying to them. I asked you to do this: Instead you post a picture of something Montana already posted. Don't respond anymore, you're not being helpful.
  17. I want you to clearly define how the script you attempted to sell to John, the script you sold to Montana, and the script you sold to CMDrake are unique. I want you to do it in bullet-point form such as: 1. Reason 1 2. Reason 2 3. Reason 3 If you give me long paragraphs I'm going to throw this dispute out. In the meantime, @Montana of 300 and @CMDrake, please provide proof that you asked for a unique private script prior to purchase. I believe @House said that CMDrake didn't care, in which case I'm only asking Montana.
  18. Please tell me who you were talking to in this conversation:
  19. You did not answer both questions and you did not answer my question with a yes/no answer. Please read my questions carefully before I flip a coin. "The exact script you bought is unique to you", then you go on to explain that if someone else ran it, it would "not affect the outcome" and "not affect the situation". It looks like the only part which is "unique to you" is the username check, and the core of the script is the same. Final chance to answer each of my questions correctly. 1. Did you try selling the script to anyone else? (Only "Yes", "No", or "I do not understand the question") 2. Was the script more unique than just the username check? (Only "Yes", "No", or "I do not understand the question") 3. If the script was only unique because of the username check, did Montana understand that is what made the script unique? (1-2 sentence explanation)
  20. Did you tell both Montana and CMDrake that their scripts would be completely unique? Did you try selling the script to anyone else? (Please nobody besides House respond) Edit: Please a simple yes or no for each question.
  21. Then explain this: if ((!getClient().getUsername().equals("House")) && (!getClient().getUsername().equals("CMDrake"))) { log("This is not your script! >:("); stop(); } If you tell the truth and don't lie, I usually try and defend the script writer.
  22. How did you get the virus? Through the script?
  23. Alek

    [Stable] 2.4.118

    Might as well set it to -mem 1 and let the magic memory system run OSBot on a single megabyte.
  24. Alek

    [Stable] 2.4.118

    Your jvm was probably being constrained to 512mb, forcing gc. Once again I can't wave my magic wand and increase memory usage.
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