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Everything posted by Alek

  1. I made a few quick patches to try and remedy about 20-30% of users that had issues starting up OSBot. Although I typically don't even look at mirror mode, I was able to make a fix so that service should now be restored. Although I doubt this will change anything, please help me by testing development builds before I make them stable. Version 2.4.119 was released for 17 days before I put it as a stable build. Please remove any old version of 2.4.120 that you have and make sure you get it the latest version from the download link above or the homepage. I made additional changes to the 2.4.120 version.
  2. Try this version out: https://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.4.120.jar
  3. Alek


    You will be unbanned on the next version of OSBot.
  4. Try again with this version: https://osbot.org/devbuilds/osbot 2.4.119.jar
  5. For those having issues and know how to use cmd/terminal: Change directory to where your OSBot jar is located and type in the following command: java -jar "osbot 2.4.119.jar" -debug 5005 Get the client to the point where it gives you the error. Copy and paste everything in the terminal/cmd window here, please do not screenshot.
  6. Once again you will have to unfortunately wait for a fix since the bot is now on stable release. I had the bot sit as an optional dev build for 17 days with no complaints.
  7. That sucks! We take the development builds pretty seriously and although we cant really force all of our customers to test these versions, it certainly helps both us and the customer.
  8. I released OSBot 2.4.119 17 days ago, which should have been plenty of time for you guys to test it out before I forced the newest version. Unfortunately you will now have to wait until MGI can take a look and make a fix.
  9. So you didn't get a script or your money back? You did get the two smaller scripts which you paid $50 for though?
  10. Sorry it's a little late now, it was on the dev build for 17 days. I'll have MGI look into it.
  11. Oh so we are going to take Discord banter as my official decisions? Well that's one less place you can find me.
  12. Moved to stable and updated the API docs.
  13. I think you had two repositories, the last one got deleted. PM me for more information.
  14. There was an issue with his repository so i had to remove it. Looks like he changed repositories and the old one technically didn't exist but the script was still cached. In the meantime try using my Macro Killer script, it will kill your chickens.
  15. I could go back to just not allowing private scripts and banning anyone that makes, sells, or uses private scripts. The rules are pretty straight forward regarding private scripts, there wasn't any picking and choosing. In k9thebeast's case, the script was already made at which point I was trying to help out both sides as a courtesy. The scripter was paid and k9 receive his script. If everyone here wants to chip in and pay me extra money to sit down and review private scripts all day, then fine. Otherwise I have to focus on our own products and services.
  16. It didnt look like you were blatantly scammed. It appeared the script was actually written and the resolution to the dispute was Extreme Scripts finishing the script. I also ended the dispute by saying: "Please allow him a week or two to try and catch-up (provided he is physically able to). If you are still having major issues, please contact me."
  17. @zarichill So just to be clear, how much were you already refunded?
  18. Alek

    Hello OsBot

    There is this nice game, its called Runescape. It is very fine, fine line. The objective of the game is to make gold via transaction. Luckily I know great site to do this. Welcome to OSBot
  19. You can't force users to enable certain settings, the botter is free to decide whatever they want.
  20. Well if its not an SDN script you can just tell people to start OSBot with norandoms flag?
  21. He asked specifically for CLI arguments in general, which I don't think scripters can access. The only thing you can grab is script parameters from CLI. In general, all scripts should be fully usable without any specific OSBot settings enabled or disabled.
  22. Use the entity hover debug tool, I guarantee you there is a difference. Colors, rotation, models, something.
  23. Good idea, when I meant "Quest Scripts" I was kind of referring to something which does a bunch of quests. One or two quests which bot farmers need is fine, miniquests, house favor, all good.
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