Mine is working fine but it won't use spec weapon when Surge comes. It picks up the Power Surge and switches weapon but then it doesn't spec.
The logger only says this
[INFO][Bot #1][02/02 10:21:50 fm]: [InventorySetup] Adding: Granite maul
[INFO][Bot #1][02/02 10:21:50 fm]: [DreamExecutor] Setting Special Weapon: Granite maul
Ok, I didn't know it was that complex but I can see that it must be hard to get anti-crashing etc. I won't be using this anymore though since I just got perm-banned on my account after using this for 4-5 days botting about 4 hours per day
I know I have used scripts that had it working before in the early days of osbot. What is the problem that is happening now? I could gladly help test it for you.
I have been using this script for the last couple of days and it has been working great with just some minor bugs I have found.
1. At the "West" spot sometimes when the bot runs south to hop worlds it will try and hop to soon after combat and fail to hop and then it gets stuck in a little loop where it runs up north and gets attacked and then goes a little bit south and fails to hop again.
2. I can't get it to use the Camelot teleport spell just tabs. I tried to run it with laws and airs in inventory but it wouldn't teleport and instead started running. It works fine with Camelot teleport tabs though.
3. Since the last update the move cursor outside of screen option doesn't work for me. It workd before the thursday update but now the cursor just idles ontop of whatever it just clicked on until it clicks something else.
Edit: Another thing I find it doing almost all the time is when it is going to move to a new crab which is close (3-4 tiles) it will first press on the map to move there then also press on the ground right after which makes it look very bot-like and ineffiecent.
@Czar is this the script that support sandcrabs? In the other thread you made regarding the sand crab bot there seem to be some confusion regarding if it is a stand alone script or not since it can't be found in the scrip store.