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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by towelman

  1. I don't know who that is and what the fuck his hairdresser is smoking
  2. Did you bot during Jagex work hours?
  3. Hows your khal blastfurnace going these days?
  4. Lmao thanks for the reminder, I'll hop worlds my bad
  5. So lucky you got a 2 day! Did you bot super long hours or something?
  6. Staff of the dead pures, 75 attack, 30 str, 1 defence, 1 prayer with 75 mage = $80-$100, I have sold a couple
  7. I agree, you're going to fuck up your heart anyways you might as well go with meth over addy
  8. lmao I love ya Zerker even though you're a silly weeb!
  9. Made me throw up in my mouth a little bit too
  10. towelman


    Looks almost sexy as you are!
  11. Damn that makeup is fucking atrocious, and this is coming from a gay man
  12. Someone is using @Juggles Report other players script using like 10 throwaway accounts, 10 reports per bot and you're gg mate
  13. towelman


    How much would it increase if I get it to 70/70//70?
  14. towelman


    No quests except waterfall Also price check on a 70 str 1 pray obby mauler with no quests?
  15. I would recommend autoclicking over using a script, just make sure the autoclicker has some random sleeps
  16. Everytime I give a noob 100k they say thanks and then show me 10m...
  17. Yea you want to set your attack options to hidden
  18. I don't get why people get banned on the weekends, Monday is the only day I ever receive bans
  19. towelman

    Nice farm haha

    Those aren't botty names at all
  20. I've tried using proxies, i've tried vpns everything
  21. Osbuddy, Osbot, Regular runescape client, I get this error on every single one of them regardless of how many accounts I run.
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