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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by towelman

  1. ...Project selling garbage scripts? What scripts did you put out? The people you are calling out have done a lot more for the community than 99% of osbot users
  2. keep it 1 pray its worth even more
  3. Prayer level? If 13 probably 100m+
  4. He kept getting banned before but now that he switched to osbot he shall obtain his maxed stats!
  5. @Montana of 300 has sold me a lot of them, never locked or banned
  6. I will never hurt you babe
  7. ACCOUNT #1 S/B 5m B/O 10m -SOLD 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the account bans 3. membership left (if there is any) No Membership Left 4. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address - Original Owner and Registered Email Address ACCOUNT #2 S/B 10M B/O 15M 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the account banns 3. membership left (if there is any) No membership Left 4. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Original Owner / Original Registered Email Address ACCOUNT #3 S/B 10m B/O 20m 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the account bans 3. membership left (if there is any) No membership left 4. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Original Owner / Original Email Address ACCOUNT #4 S/B 10m B/O 20m SOLD 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the account bans 3. membership left (if there is any) No Membership Left 4. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address Original Owner / Original Email
  8. I have a 70 str 1 prayer 1 defence, starter obby mauler if you're interested, no quests done though and 1 slayer
  9. 70 ranged 58 hp all other skills 1
  10. Love you too @Tylar245 oh wait...
  11. Where's the best Mountain Dew ever created? Baja Blast?
  12. Haha you too man! I'm trying to stay "hip" but the second I learn about a new gender there's like 10 others!! There was a story I read about where a college student changed his preferred pronouns to "your majesty" and the college professor had to refer to him as that when called on. Thanks for your service man you guys are the best!
  13. The SJW far left wing liberals are more worried about the 30 genders that now exist
  14. Avoid being near people using @Juggles script that reports every player nearby
  15. I bot every single day same hours each day
  16. I run my bots 6-12 hours a day, private scripts from @Juggles @Imateamcape @Prozen Private scripts are the only way to go imo
  17. Can someone explain to me what the difference of a dweeb and a weeb is please? Weebs are weird kids who fap to anime right?
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