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  1. Tried enough times to get a cape with this script at 80 range/70 def. Just did attempt 6, second time making it to Jad and it tried protecting Melee against the healers while switching prayer for Jad attacks. It couldn't keep up and died very quickly from a Jad hit when trying to reposition the healers. Takes way too many unnecessary risks setting up safe spots, running through the 180's to get them caught on 360. Stepping one space too close to the 360 putting it in melee range and taking a step back for same reasons above. Letting 90's get hits in while focusing on 45s. Not prioritizing bats over pretty much everything else. Its a neat script but that's about it, not great for mid level accounts unless you've got BIS gear for your bracket AND are lucky enough to survive tanking Jad hits.
  2. Both of those ideas sound like they would work fine. Another problem I've found is after doing a task that requires a specific item, the script won't switch items back when the last is over. Example being originally using a rune kiteshield, switching to a mirror shield but now using mirror shield indefinitely.
  3. I do not have the key. I completely forgot they were also in Taverly Dungeon. For the spiritual creatures, it buys the items and then attempts to path to them. There was nothing to test since it went out of the way to buy the items before deciding it could not find the correct path to get there.
  4. I just double checked. If I start the script while wearing the slayer helmet (and the box checked) in Gnome bank, it will still run to Neive to check the task before setting up inventory.
  5. Testing the script on a few different leveled accounts. A few things I've noticed: Pathing works "okay". You almost always get where you need to, but typically the least efficient way as possible. Example being using a Varrock tab to get to GE when you're already in Edgeville. Walking all the way to Mort'ton Shades instead of buying a teleport scroll etc. Only positive pathing is the use of spirit trees. Have seen the script get stuck in the gnome bank multiple times with the logger spamming "walk to ge" and moving 2-3 squares every few seconds without going down the ladder. If I manually go down the ladder, behavior will continue until I restart the script. Uses Slayer gem on startup but does not recognize Slayer helm as an alternative to check tasks and will manually walk to the slayer master on each startup. Picks up other players drops (comes off very botlike when someone leaves a trail of 20gps). I recommend an option to loot only your own kills. Also a very specific example: When assigned Lesser Demons, you will kill them in the Karamja Volcano. If you are set to loot fire runes, you will also loot the 3-4 that naturally spawn in the area. Automatically buries looted bones whether or not the bury box was checked (Already addressed). Entering what items to be looted. A very limited amount of space to enter a large amount of drops which after about 20 drops entered (Not really a lot considering this script does multiple tasks back to back) just cuts off completely. Im pretty sure I can keep entering items, but I can't see what I'm adding and just have to hope I typed it right. I would take a look at the GUI from Czar's Perfect Fighter script for inspiration. The gear setup for entering GWD is a red flag. I can identify any account using this script based off them wearing the uncommon four items to not gain aggro. Aside from having a set combination list of items to chose from to vary it up, I don't quite have any solution for this aside from just not doing GWD tasks. Gear changes for different tasks is needed. Doing Fire Giants with full Rune is fine, doing Aberrant Spectres in full Rune is not. The account I have using Nieve had to manually skip about 4-5 tasks in a row due to not being able to path to them (Wyrms, Black Demons, Spiritual Creatures etc.) I am assuming I just had bad luck and they are part of the 10% left that need to be added in and not just a pathing issue. I really like the script overall and it has a ton of potential, I am hoping that you find any of my feedback helpful.
  6. Are you looking to add rune pouch or herb sack support?
  7. Does this script support Herb Sack/Rune pouch?
  8. Still getting this error at Kourend Bloodvelds. Happens with my current settings and also with setting the script up, selecting that monster and enabling prayer and nothing else.
  9. Getting this error at Aberrant Spectres in Stronghold Slayer Cave: [INFO][Bot #1][01/23 05:24:59 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position.<init>(kh:262) at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline$3$1.accept(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.copyInto(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.wrapAndCopyInto(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluate(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.AbstractPipeline.evaluateToArrayNode(Unknown Source) at java.util.stream.ReferencePipeline.toArray(Unknown Source) at a.PRn.j(tj:2701) at a.c.a.cON.d(ke:580) at a.c.a.cON.d(ke:149) at a.PRn.F(tj:1697) at a.PRn.onLoop(tj:2250) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(jg:12) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  10. Script is not looting anything at the new Wyrms, just getting: [INFO][Bot #1][01/13 02:50:11 PM]: Changed interaction! [INFO][Bot #1][01/13 02:50:13 PM]: .. kill finished, waiting for loot to appear. [INFO][Bot #1][01/13 02:50:13 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "Waiting for specific loot to appear" [INFO][Bot #1][01/13 02:50:20 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1268, y=10160, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][01/13 02:50:21 PM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1270, y=10162, z=0] [INFO][Bot #1][01/13 02:50:21 PM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "12484" [INFO][Bot #1][01/13 02:50:22 PM]: "last_delay_name" changed to "PresetCombat: Wait 20s until we reach 3 npc dist or var_attacked_npc is 0" After waiting a few seconds, it goes on to kill the next one without checking the loot (I have quite a few things added on this list, regular loot, notes and high alchs.) EDIT: It was something off in my settings.
  11. Errors when buying items: NFO][Bot #1][06/26 12:40:45 PM]: [DEBUG] Buying missing items [INFO][Bot #1][06/26 12:40:45 PM]: java.lang.NullPointerException at api.lpt8.f(fj:669) at api.lpt8.F(fj:132) at l.Prn.f(co:86) at api.nUl.f(jn:23) at j.Prn.onLoop(wk:52) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Quests are fishing contest and The Golem sofar
  12. Script is spam clicking the demon butler when he has more than what I can carry in inventory. [ERROR][Bot #1][06/09 05:20:23 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.RuntimeException: Union object is null or owned by someone else at client.nat.stream.Stream.m22(Native Method) at client.JYbk.getChildren(Unknown Source) at org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.RS2Widget.getChildWidgets(ii:624) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Widgets.getAll(kh:163) at c.d.cON.b(c:173) at c.d.cON.F(c:100) at c.d.nuL.K(d:5) at c.nuL.K(q:65) at core.MainDriver.onLoop(z:120) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) [INFO][Bot #1][06/09 05:30:44 PM]: Terminating script AIO Construction... [INFO][Bot #1][06/09 05:30:45 PM]: Script AIO Construction has exited! [INFO][Bot #1][06/09 05:30:56 PM]: Loaded 3 built-in random solvers! [ERROR][Bot #1][06/09 05:31:12 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.NullPointerException at c.d.cON.K(c:178) at c.d.cON.b(c:162) at c.d.cON.F(c:100) at c.d.nuL.K(d:5) at c.nuL.K(q:65) at core.MainDriver.onLoop(z:120) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(kl:223) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) EDIT: Bug happened within 5 minutes of running the script, had noted planks, saw, and hammer only. I've found that having those items PLUS one more item (House tabs for example) are stopping it from getting confused and it runs fine, but the errors are still showing up in logger.
  13. What does the script use to base prices off of? Was making way more per hour than what the script was saying, not that thats a bad thing for me
  14. Very nice work on the update, house teleport is huge and ability to use nearest bank is awesome.
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