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Everything posted by Qubit

  1. PHP is the shitiest thing that is sometimes referenced as a language. Only the inferior who don't know how to code use PHP.. The real software developers are Java programmers. Only a fuck boi would use PHP... ruby on rails >
  2. Qubit


    So I want to add on my resume for college some competitions i participated in last year as a senior in highschoo and course i took at my local cc. There is a job fair tomorrow so i am fixing up my resume... Im not sure what this would go under? Im assuming related coursework... Community College of RI: Programming Concepts Course Providence College Annual High School Programming Competition CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Defense Competition
  3. I needs help with calc 2, i have my midterm friday and this was a previous quiz and im studying.. I have no clue how to do it after this... (We aren't allowed to take the integral -_-)
  4. I have 16gb of ram... hom much ram should i allocate for the virtual machines images of linux that i might open from time to time with oracle vm? linux mint, kali linux, black arch.....
  5. Qubit


    So i posted the problem on the classes facebook page and an upperclassman responded and said he would help and check up on it today. He came by after lunch, he was astounded how there was no beeps or anything but the computer was running. So after 30 minutes he reset some stuff i dont know about and stuff with the psu and got it to work again. He ran a bunch of memory diagnostic tests on the ram sticks in different slots and everything turned out to be fine. He said it probably had something to do with the bios we fucked up. So shout out to him for being a champ and saving me. Are there any other diagnostic test you think i should run?
  6. Qubit


    Im in college tho rn .. One of the best engineering schools in the country, doesnt have tech support for hardware on campus -_-
  7. Qubit


    now if i took my gpu , and ram and tried using it on someelse's computer, would it harm there computer, and would it help me find if the ram or gpu are fucked?
  8. Qubit


    03 - power on north bridge initialization 04- power on south bridge initialization 6f- late north bridge initialization wth does this mean?
  9. Qubit


    I'll ask around campus.. most people don't have ddr4 tho. If i replace them is there a chance that i could harm their sticks?
  10. Qubit


    Its a desktop.. they dont have speakers.. but i do have speakers,headset, and my monitor has speakers
  11. Qubit


    Nothing on my screen.. The led on my motherboard go straight to 04 quickly to 03 then back to 04 then to 6f
  12. Qubit


    I hear nothing when I turn it on... CPU fan and case fans light up
  13. Qubit


    how does one do tht?
  14. Qubit


    Background Info: my roomate is a friend from highschool, friend that visited yesterday was part of out group of friends in highschool but goes to a college down the street. So, while my roomate was away out for lunch, our friend and another friend who goes to school with us and was a highschool friend stopped by our room. We watched walking dead and the visiting friend noticed that my roomate left his computer on. So he opened up pornhub on chrome and clicked on the gay porn section. We then went out to eat, leaving the webpage open to surprise him as somewhat of a prank. When we are almost done with our meal we get a text, saying my roomate is going to beat the shit out of our friend for leaving the webpage.. We laugh and think nothing of it. My roommate says because you did that John "Me" is losing half my ram. I texted him and said if he touched my computer im ripping his in half and will seriously beat the shit out of him. We finish eating and hurry back to the room. I come walking in press the power button and the screen wont turn on. I ask him wtf did he do, he said he just opened the computer and took out the ram. I asked him if he turned off the computer and grounded himself, he says he never did that for his computer so no..... So he took out the ram of a running computer without grounding himself. Now when i manually turn on the computer the motherboard and everything lights up and runs, nothing shows up on the screen and after 10 seconds the computer shuts off.. What are the damages? because he is going to fucking pay for all of it and i need to know what is damaged so he can buy all of it again. Remind you I'm a CS Major *freshman and use my computer for everything. WTF
  15. So i have a quiz tomorrow on finding the area under a curve... I already know 90% of calc 2 from highschool but i am taking it in college to make sure im ready for calc3. The thing is the only thing i didnt learn was summation... specifically the limit of a summation of reimann sums... its 11:47 Pm.. i just need a good guide for the steps to setup and solve the problems... -_- professor said if i use integration I get a 0 rip
  16. So from what I understand.. In a video game for instance, every time you move forward or back, the computer uses a image scaling algorithm to render an object on your screen relative to your position? *I think I found something along the lines of the gif you were talking about. It's really cool, ecspecially being it doesnt make all the pixels "smaller" which one would think but just takes out a vertical or horizontal line of pixels!
  17. This might be the hardest thing to explain but I will try my best. Actually ill just give an example in which I ask you to explain. Say i have a 2D image, a squad, and it is zoomed 100% in ... Say i zoom out to 50%. the square occupied pixels (0,0 to 50,50) and each pixel has a random color But if I zoom out how is this going to be displayed on the screen when you cannot have half a pixel.. There must be another way of representing what is to be displayed then I am thinking.. Helps please because this is hurting my head
  18. just built a month ago, it always happened, I thought maybe it was the psu and got a new one today and it still doing it
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