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Everything posted by Molly

  1. It is on my desktop yes, currently setting it up and testing on my laptop.
  2. Molly

    Molly's Orber

    Yes, I can look into adding the earth altar and bringing a food. As far as the super energies go, I am adding using one dose stam pot before each run in my next release, which should be out Monday.
  3. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    You now all have 48 hour trials, sorry for the delay I was on vacation. Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know that. Removing it now. As for as adding paladins or menaphites, yes I can add both.
  4. Molly

    Molly's Orber

    Not to worried about the drop in price, the price of air orbs are kept in check by the alch price of air battlestaffs. Also I am adding a quick charge feature(it's actually finished but I want to test it a bit more) that will allow for 70-100 more orbs an hour to offset price changes as well as an option to use stam pots. This method is sure to stay very profitable.
  5. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    You now have a 48hr trial. You need to run it in Draynor, I'm authing you another 48hr trial. You now have a 48hr trial.
  6. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    You now both have 48 hour trials. Yes, I can add that.
  7. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    You have to fill out the food info for master farmers. I'll give you both trials when I get home from work tonight, as far as ban rates go I have never personally been banned using this script and haven't had any recent reports of bans.
  8. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    Not sure of what all the antiban in OSBot is though I haven't had an account banned in some time using OSBot. All my scripts have antiban coded into them, they don't just rely on antiban offered by the client. Also, you now have a 48 hour trial. You have a 48 hour trial now.
  9. Thanks, fixing it now. The issue with food withdrawing is a client issue with "Withdraw X", the tab issue is not and I am on it. Edit: Running the script for a bit to test the update, but the issue should be fixed now, version will be 3.1.
  10. Molly

    Molly's Orber

    Depends on your buy prices, I put my offers in over night and buy the mats cheap, then sell while I'm at work to maximize profits. 400 per hour is roughly 280k though if you're just buying and selling quick as possible. I am actually adding stam pots in right now =p
  11. Molly's Orber This script is designed to make earth orbs and air orbs for over 350k gp/ph with the added benefit of getting over 30k mage exp per hour! Buy HERE Requirements: - 66 mage for air orbs, 60 for earth orbs. - 40+ hp recommended(especially at low def) Features: - Supports using mounted glory in house(requires house teleport tablets) - Supports eating any food at bank, when under a set hp - Hopping out of bot worlds - Recovers from deaths(respawn point must be lumbridge) - Emergency teleporting when under a set hp - Stamina potion usage, the bot will use one dose prior to each run - World hopping in response to being pked to prevent pkers from farming. -Ability to bring one food with you in case you drop below the emergency teleport hp, script will still tele if you drop below it and have already eaten your food. -Enabling run when near black demons to prevent some damage. -Re-equipping armor in inventory on death. Setup: Start at Edge bank, have all supplies next to each other in your bank, preferably in the front tab at the top. You must have the item "Staff of air" for air orbs or "Staff of earth" for earth orbs. Have a fair amount of cosmic runes and unpowered orbs, glories, as well as some food to eat as the bot walks past black demons and will take some damage. FOR EARTH ORBS YOU MUST HAVE ANTIDOTE++. If you are using house mounted glory option set render doors open to "On" under your house options in Runescape. CLI setup: Proggies:
  12. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    Sure, I just gave you a 48 trial, hope you like the script.
  13. A user reported an issue with the script incorrectly returning a Lost state, causing it to sit there and die while being attacked. This issue has been fixed and I am testing the update locally. After I insure the update is working as intended the script will be updated.
  14. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    Did it correct itself? It should be fixing itself if it is stuck outside bank trying to interact with a banker, let me know if it isn't. Sure, you now have a 48 hour trial. Happy to hear you like it.
  15. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    You have a 48 hour trial now.
  16. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    You now both have 48 hour trials.
  17. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    You now have a 48 hour trial.
  18. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    Yes, I'm at work right now but when I get off I'll give you a 48hr trial.
  19. Version 3 has been pushed, this includes a customizable loot list.
  20. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    You now have a 48 hour trial.
  21. You now have a 48 hour trial.
  22. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    It does not support Ardougne, I will add that soon. I have a few other updates I need to get to prior, but I'll look to get it done within the next week. You now have a 48 hour trial.
  23. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    Lebron - you should now have 48 hours more. Jack - I apologize for the delay, I got caught up doing homework, you now have a trial. Bassie - you also now have a trial.
  24. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    I do accept 07 gp and I do give 48 hour free trials, I'll hook you up with one after I get out of class today.
  25. It shouldn't be doing that, the tile does stay blacklisted for 2 minutes or so though, so if more loot drops on the tile after its blacklisted it won't be looted until two minutes after the initial blacklist. If it's able to loot it. The loot isn't blacklisted the moment it drops, unlootable items will be blacklisted 20 seconds or so after the loot method is called and failed, the information in the log is spammed because of the way it is coded it is simply stating that loot exists on a blacklisted tile. I have changed this in the next version so that it's not spammed. I'll be running more testing today and then pushing the update.
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