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Everything posted by Molly

  1. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    To answer a few questions, the script just does men, tea stalls, and master farmers right now. I can work on H.A.M and possibly other stalls though stalls will be much more difficult since it must takes into account locations of guards.
  2. GL man, its easy once you get started, 90+ slayer here and all legit. At 80 with nech tasks you can start making decent cash.
  3. I will refine combat handling as soon as I have a chance, hopefully tonight.
  4. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    Item id for trout is 333, make sure that is the id you are using. If you still are experiencing issues after reading this and confirming it does not work let me know and I shall look into the issue. Edit: Also I will be pushing adding a run away from combat option right now for master farmers.
  5. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    I will look into that ASAP, my schedule has been so hectic lately so haven't been able to do much in regards to scripting lately.
  6. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    Sure man, will release an update soon so it just runs from combat.
  7. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    That is false, it actually picks a random time to drop cups of tea so that it is not dropping them right after thieving them every single time because that would look bot like and it also sometimes waits for there to be more than 1 in the inventory before dropping, this is also intentional. The time between drops is nowhere near 10 seconds, the difference in exp between using my methods and making it more "efficient" and look much more bot like is a difference of a few hundred exp p/h so it would seem beneficial to use the anti-ban method I use for this.
  8. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    It is 379, click the gear looking button on the top right of your bot client, then click inventory. Hover over anything in your inventory to retrieve item id's.
  9. These 2 tutorials are what got me started.
  10. The update has been submitted, just waiting for it to be on the SDN.
  11. Will be releasing update today that implements usage of fally tabs and the agility shortcut.
  12. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    Sure, you should now have 24 hour access.
  13. Tabs and use of agility shortcut have been implemented and I am currently testing. Everything seems to be running smoothly so far so expect a release within a few days after I get some more testing in.
  14. In b4 his post tomorrow "omfg fuck jamflex i got permaban for botting such bullshit"
  15. Completed yes but not likely released. I test my scripts for several hours before releasing updates so the earliest this will be released is likely Monday.
  16. Will start working on this Sunday as its my next day off work.
  17. It banks at fally east and runs to hobgoblins, I can easily add an option to use tabs and bank at west/use shortcut though.
  18. Honestly I have only once had a f2p acc banned, and it was 10 days into its 14 day trial. I've botted and goldfarmed my fair share of f2p accounts all on a flagged ip and only had that one ban. Maybe they hope that if they let us bot f2p we might say "fuck it I'm not getting banned" , spend the cash to get mems and then they ban us. On those f2p accounts, the 2 I made members were banned within 1-2 days after.
  19. Yes, it's 2.50 on the SDN. Let me know how it works for you, I have used it for a lot of F2P accounts and its worked great.
  20. Molly

    Molly's Thiever

    I have not had any of those issue's, the problem with the guards can be solved by following the setup in the OP. Are you sure you filled out the gui correctly? None of my other customers have complained about any of these issues so this seems like its a situation that is only occurring to you. Edit: Currently running at master farmers in draynor and having no issues, will post a 30 minute proggy after I get back from running errands. Editx2: Proggy
  21. I wouldn't say humans invented war, we just wage war on a large scale with advanced weaponry. There are many animals that if you come into their territory will kill you, there are many that also roam in packs and kill other packs. It may not be war as we are used to it, but it is war in a sense. I think the reason war exists for humans is that violence often times is the answer to our problems, violence is usually the most effective means of removing a problem from existence unfortunately. A few examples, don't like something another nation is doing? Bomb the shit out of them till they stop. Want some more land? Take it through violent action. Don't agree with someone elses ideology? Destroy them and you don't have to worry about. Want some other nations wealth and they decline trade relations? Invade. The sad reality is that violence and war are very effective means for obtaining what a nation wants, the loss of life is viewed as acceptable if the act "saves" more people than it destroys or if more of "them" die than how many of yours died. It would stand to reason that other beings (if they exist) would see war as a viable means to obtain what they want, assuming they are capable of thought and have free will. I guess we won't know until that day comes, if it does. However by that time we will have probably destroyed our planet to the point where there wouldn't be much to gain from war.
  22. I agree that there is a trend in that area with periods of peace then war that has been occurring for a long time now. However there is often no correlation between the different periods of war or peace as far as reasons which is what I meant when I said its not relevant. It is reasonable to suggest simply by looking at history that eventually the peace will end and lead to war, then war will end and lead to peace etc. However typically its not for reasons related its for different reasons. The problem there now isn't because of people being pissed off they lost a war hundreds of years ago and seeking retaliation, it was simply a movement of extremists(the Zionists) wanting the land for themselves. If the the Zionist movement started because of Jewish people losing a war some time ago or land being stolen, we could easily say there is a correlation but there doesn't appear to be one. The whole scenario just looks like a power-grab by an extremist movement. As far as it would seem theres no mistake in the past that could have prevented this, as sad as it is like you said issues like this will never be solved by humanity. Where there is financial or power gain there will be someone plotting to obtain the money or power because that seems to be human nature. I think our discussion was an entire misunderstanding, I do agree past events are important to consider in all cases but it just appears in this case that you really cant draw a correlation between past events and what caused the current mess. We really couldn't have asked for a more ideal situation than how Palestine was prior to the creation of Israel, but there always has to be someone to fuck up something nice it seems thats one thing for sure that we can see happen time and time again throughout history.
  23. You're pretty dense, what I was saying was pretty clear. In this particular situation the events in the past were not relevant, they occurred, problems were resolved and the area was peaceful. At that point all those past events you point to lead to that peace. The area was then peaceful until the Zionists move in, the Zionist movement led to the creation of Israel, directly causing what is going on now. The comment about the history of the area being clear was clearly in relation to recent, recorded history in regards to when the Zionist movement was started and when Israel came into existence. You are reading pretty far into things and taking them entirely out of context.
  24. Yes, the point of adding that was to show how irrelevant the stuff in the past that you eluded to was, because there was peace for a long time until the Zionists came into the mix. So.... the point remains until the Zionists the area was just fine, they were the start of the mayhem. I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to prove here, the history on the area is very clear. The situation did not come about in mysterious ways, we know exactly what led to the current situation.
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